Peter Tongue Insights - September 2024

Newsletter Archive

September 2024

Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS

A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey


Gene Keys Consultations, 
Spiritual Counselling, & Energy Attunements 
with Zia

Sessions Available 
in-person in Victoria,

or via phone or Skype

Public Meditations
in Victoria BC
Zoom Only right now
Mondays at 6:30 pm 

Visit my website
for details


Happy September!

As we move toward the Fall Equinox, we are invited to look after our physical bodies, to nourish ourselves in whatever way we need to feel cared for. Shedding what no longer serves and boosting the immune system at this time of Virgoan refinement.

The New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd opens the Eclipse season with a partial Lunar Eclipse on September 17th and an annular "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse on October 2nd.

Wishing you a wonderful month of September, a happy Equinox, and Michaelmas on September 29th! Love, Pete


From Shambles to Shambala

September 2024 Energy Update - "Eclipse Season!"

We are going into a very powerful period of astrological energy as we move through a new Eclipse Season and the Fall Equinox in the northern Hemisphere/Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Peter gives us an overview of the energies to be aware of this month!


Zia and I are still offering in-person and distance healing sessions to anyone interested locally or globally. 

My Gene Keys Consulting sessions are still available through Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. 

Monday Meditations

I am continuing with the long-distance zoom connection on Mondays at 6:30 pm Pacific. The zoom meditation is open to anyone who wishes to attend from around the globe. Please send an email to for further information.

We are now doing in-person Thursday morning meditations, limited to 8 people, and by invitation only to those who were previously involved.

Radio Shows

I will be joining Tania Kebernek in a new summit: Radiant and Resilient - Unlocking your Inner Radiance

It will be a live one hour interview at 1pm pacific on Wednesday September 18th. I will be going over the Gene Key process using the profile for the Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday September 17th! Join for free here:

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to  continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at 


Click here for your FREE Gene Keys Profile

Sign up for the 

Gene Keys Golden Path Program


The Last Hurrah! 

by Peter Tongue

August proved to be a very eventful month with all sorts of sudden surprises: some good and some shocking. The 888 on August 8, 2024 proved to be one of the wonderful events with millions of people across the Planet joining to open and amplify the Portal of Grace that was available. We had a powerful experience at our node point in Victoria. The message from Rory Duff’s group at the Hill of Tara in Ireland was the need for us to purify our bodies as much as possible so that we can absorb and integrate the powerful energies coming in.

The Final World Congress on Illumination was a great success and Patti Cota-Robles held a great container of energy to bring through very high vibrations from the Realms of illumined Truth. One of the beings of light she worked with in the World Congress was Archangel Michael who is the overseeing Archangel of this Shift of the Ages upon us. September 29th is Michaelmas Day, the Holy day when we honour and celebrate Archangel Michael, which includes an opportunity to clear the Earth of low frequency energy and corruption!


At the other end of the scale, we have been witness to outbursts of violence and shocking behaviour by people, including politicians, who seem to have no understanding of the gravity of the situation, and in some cases, making the situation worse. This is not entirely surprising!

On September 1st, Pluto went back into Capricorn for its final fling! It first entered Capricorn in 2008 when the first financial crash happened. Pluto’s job was to transform all of the outdated systems that have been running the Planet for many years. Pluto is the planet of Death and Rebirth. It moved out of Capricorn in January of this year and into Aquarius giving us an early glimpse of what is to come.

On May 2nd, Pluto turned retrograde and started heading back to Capricorn. It had missed something that needed to be transformed. It re-entered Capricorn on September 1st and will remain at 29 degrees until it turns direct on October 12th before finally leaving Capricorn on November 19th. It won’t be back for another 250 years and will then spend 20 years in Aquarius.


This is our opportunity to let go of anything and everything keeping us attached to the old structures. Consider deeply where you have felt trapped and abused by people in your life or the system itself. This is the end of the Patriarchal domination that has influenced our World for so long. Pluto in Aquarius is about "Power to the People," and we are already seeing people stepping up and saying "No more." The old energies will no longer be supported, so make sure you die to your old way of being so that you can be reborn into the New Age.

It is a time of sorting out who truly belongs on your team and who doesn’t. Many are having to let go of old friends because they are no longer in alignment. Many are leaving their long-term jobs and relationships because they are no longer working. It is a time of great upheaval, but we have to go through this to emerge out on the other side, creating space for the new to come in. It takes courage and commitment to be in our integrity and authenticity at this time, but the rewards will be beyond our belief!

The New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd brought all of the chaos of August into a grounded focus, to get real and focus on the details. It began the Eclipse season as the New Moon in Virgo was opposite Saturn in Pisces. During the two weeks following, the Moon will move around the astrological wheel to come into opposition with the Sun still in Virgo and join Neptune and Saturn in Pisces for the Harvest Full Super Moon partial Lunar Eclipse. It will be visible in the Pacific Northwest just as the Moon rises for a short period on September 17th. This Virgo/Pisces axis is inviting us to get fully grounded and present in our bodies while opening to our true spiritual nature. This is about embodying more of our higher self into form.


This is followed two weeks later on October 2nd by an Annular Solar Eclipse. The Moon doesn’t quite cover the Sun, leaving a Ring of Fire around the outside. Unfortunately, it will not be visible in North America. However, the energies will still be felt. During this time, the Sun will be in Libra along with Venus who is at home in her own sign. This energy is very much to do with our primary relationships and the balance between them, having the courage to express our needs in those relationships. It is the uprising of the feminine principle!

We are at the critical turning point of the Shift of the Ages, and it is likely that a further attempt will be made to limit us in one form or another. The old dominant forces are fighting to maintain control, but they have already lost and haven’t accepted the inevitable outcome. We must remain strong and not give in to any attempts to control us. Stay vigilant without getting sucked into the rabbit hole. It is likely to be a rocky couple of months until Pluto finally leaves the sign of Capricorn.

Tremendous support is however available. Oracle Girl will be doing her October immersion, immediately followed by Reawaken London on November 2nd & & 3rd, assisting in Purifying the energies that need to be transmuted. 

Richard Rudd will be in the exact same location in downtown London for a Retreat on November 23rd & 24th, where he will be speaking in great depth about The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human. That’s us!          

Have a great month and take heart. All is - and will be - well! 


This month's images courtesy of Zia

© Peter Tongue • 956 Kinglet Place Victoria, BC V9C 0B4
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