Have you heard about the proposal for a bovine traceability?

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The proposal was prepared by the Traceability WG of the Brazilian Roundtable on Sustainable Livestock during several debates in 2023 with representatives of the seven links of the livestock value chain, and endorsed by the Brazilian Coalition on Climate, Forests and Agriculture. Finally, it was officially handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock on March 19th, 2024.

The document outlines a national public policy, defining rules, implementation issues, transition phase, responsibilities and roles of the public and private sectors, suggested schedule, and impact assessment.


The adoption of a cattle traceability system requires compliance with some fundamental rules:

1. Universalized Numbering – official number 076 (ISO Brazil)
2. Mandatory Use of Official Number
3. Creation of Unified National Database
4. Integration of Cattle Transport Permits (GTA)
5. Creation of Database for Compliance
6. Identification Before the First Movement of the Animal
7. Management of Private Health, Social and Environmental Protocols
8. Definition and Standardization of Rules


The individual traceability emerges as a central piece in the livestock's health and socio-environmental control, consolidating itself as an essential tool to boost transparency and responsibility in beef production.

This initiative represents a significant advance towards the development of sustainability in the Brazilian livestock farming!

Find out the details of the proposal



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