"We need to talk!" - Let's talk about resilience đź’Ş

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Hi from CĂ©cile!

“We need to talk!” - That phrase often signals the start of a difficult conversation.

But why does it have to evoke anxiety or dread? Leaders and team members are on the same side.

Let’s dissect that phrase and understand its implications and the dynamics of tough conversations at work and beyond.

We’ve all encountered that phrase.

It’s a common experience in the workplace.

It usually precedes discussions about conflicts or significant changes. All of them are challenging to handle.

It also carries quite a heavy emotional weight as it suggests that the conversation may lead to discomfort.

That’s why it’s essential to approach such conversations with care and intention.

When it comes to communication, more so about sensitive issues, both sides need to understand that confrontation is never the end goal, nor should it be the end result.

Clarity and empathy can transform those occasions into opportunities for understanding, learning, and growth.
That requires acknowledging that both sides have differing needs and goals.

However, they must aim at a mutually beneficial outcome.

Discover 5 proven ways to navigate tough conversations as a leader

Resilience is the key

    Everybody values resilience, but very few actually know how to build it.

    I’ve seen dozens of leaders level up their leadership by investing in this essential quality.

    Indeed, it’s a quality, and it develops over time through intentional action, experience, and interactions.

    It’s an overarching quality that influences how leaders (or any other individual) respond to life and work’s challenges.

    To build resilience, you need to work on your inner strength.

    That’s essential for effectively navigating adversity and change, learning from them, and emerging stronger.

    It may sound theoretical, but inner strength is the concrete foundation of a leader’s coping mechanism during smaller or bigger crises.

    Ask yourself 3 questions

    Recall the most recent occasion at work (or beyond) where you had to navigate a crisis.

    🔹 Did you feel you had the power to face adversity head-on, or did you feel helpless?

    🔹 Were you able to maintain focus, or did adversity catch you off guard and derail your rational thinking?

    🔹 Did you make swift but clear decisions, or did you feel lost between alternative courses of action?

    The 3 pillars of inner strength and resilience

    It is crucial to understand that inner strength is the compound effect of combining self-awareness, emotional regulation, and a strong sense of purpose.

    đź’Ž The more self-aware you become, the more empowered and confident you feel to fight back and emerge stronger.

    đź’Ž The more effectively you regulate your emotions (especially the negative ones), the more focused you stay during extraordinary situations.

    đź’Ž The stronger your sense of purpose, the more grit and resistance you will be capable of, as you will find meaning in this situation, leading to better decisions.

    Building your inner strength as a leader based on the 3 pillars above is a proven way to develop your personal resilience and amplify the positive impact of your leadership on your team and organisation.

    Keep in mind that others look up to you as a leader.

    And that’s a fantastic opportunity to grow and lead by example.

    When you are resilient, your team becomes more resilient, too.

    It’s a win-win situation.

    If you, as a leader, team, or whole organisation, need support boosting resilience, let’s talk.

    Reply to this email or visit my new speak4impact.net website to learn more about the ONE Model for Leaders and Teams and book a free strategy call.

    How you can benefit from the ONE Model


    Whether it's immigration or expatriation, diving into the unknown and facing the challenges of a new environment can be overwhelming. But it’s also an opportunity for growth. Read more ⤵️



    Today’s keywords (Keep them in mind, process & work on them) : 

    Inner strength, Resilience

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