From self-doubt to confidence đź’Ž

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Hi from CĂ©cile!

Self-doubt can be a positive force for leaders if used correctly. But how?

First, let me point out that self-doubt arises from uncertainty about your own self-competence.

It manifests as a little (or sometimes big and loud) voice questioning your skills, abilities, decisions, and beliefs.

It’s very common for leaders to ruminate about their overall competence.

“Am I really worth it to be in this position?”

“Do I honestly have what it takes to be a successful leader?”

Let’s see the context:

Low confidence and negative self-talk on the inside (caused by traumatic past experiences in most cases) + negative external feedback.

Those factors fuel self-doubt, eventually pushing you to waste your precious energy on negative emotions.

Let’s reverse that.

What the emperor said

Although there’s no plug-and-play solution, there are guidelines to help you navigate the “self-doubt loop”.

Famous Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius once said, “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

Wise words.

Keep in mind that his sayings apply to more than what we hear with our ears and see with our eyes.

It’s applicable to our internal voices and sights, which are often much harder to question.

3 proven ways to deal with self-doubt as a leader

If you want to reach a breakthrough and tackle self-doubt, focus on the following

🔹Distance yourself from self-doubt. Imagine an alter ego that can provide perspective or consider how others would respond if they heard you expressing self-doubt.

🔹Filter external feedback. Not every opinion is useful. Learn to distinguish between valuable and uninformed feedback.

🔹Reframe negative self-talk. Identify it and replace it with a positive and productive narrative.

Easier said than done, you may think. It needs intentional action and positive guidance.

Try the new ONE Model

It’s an umbrella framework that includes a wide range of tools (like Positive Intelligence, Mental Fitness, Effective Communication) to help you tackle self-doubt and lead yourself and your team with confidence and impact.

If you want to discover how the ONE Model can guide your leadership and equip you and your team with all the necessary skills and competencies to make it happen, hit reply to this email or DM on LinkedIn.

PS: get an overview of the ONE model with my short video here

#theRealCecile quick tips

This week, it's about how to handle constant restructuring as a leader and empower your team to survive and thrive.

If that rings a bell, click on the image below to access my tips.

How to handle constant restructuring as a leader & empower your team to survive and thrive


Today’s keywords (Keep them in mind, process & work on them) : 

Positivity, Confidence, Filtering, Reframing

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