December 21

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This Day in the Life of the Church

December 21, 2023

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Protodeacon Andrei

Compromise of a Church Leader in a Totalitarian State


Patriarch Aleksei I celebrated the 70th anniversary of Stalin’’s birth on this day in 1949.

The Church remained the only organization in Soviet Russia “competing” with the intolerant Bolshevik “religion.” The Church as a whole received legal status only in 1991. Parishes could have been registered (in theory), and the head office (Metropolitan Sergii’s Synod) was registered, but the Russian Orthodox Church as a whole was not. The authorities constantly played with the promise of such a registration. The representatives of the “official” church attempted to prove to the state that they were not its enemy. For instance, Patriarch St. Tikhon expressed his condolences to the Soviet government on the death of Lenin. Another such case were the public greetings issued by all Soviet religious bodies for Stalin’s birthday. Below is a translation from the original Russian issue of Journal of Moscow Patriarchate from January 1950:

“On this occasion, Patriarch Aleksei I served a moleben (a service for the health) at the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral. The rectors of all Moscow churches participated. At the beginning, the patriarch gave an address:

“‘Today, our country celebrates the birthday and seventieth anniversary of its leader, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. From all over the world, there have been expressions pouring in of love, congratulations, good wishes, recognition of his great services to his Motherland, and recognition of all the morally lofty things that constitute the ideal of humankind’s aspirations. He is the leader recognized by the whole world not only of the peoples of the Soviet State, but also of all working people; he is the first in a row of champions and defenders of peace among nations, peace throughout the world.

“‘There is no need for me – for we all know this only too well – to set out here his great services to our Motherland in strengthening its power, in its extraordinary success in all respects, in all branches of labor. There is no need to remind you that, thanks to his brilliant leadership, our glorious army, in the time of the most difficult trials that befell our homeland, when it was attacked by a strong and evil enemy, won victory over this enemy, and our Motherland emerged from the crucible of trials still stronger, more glorious and powerful.

“‘Anyone who is personally acquainted with our Leader is struck by the charm of his personality; he captivates his interlocutor with his attentive attitude to every matter; his affectionate nature; his extraordinary knowledge in any matter; the power and wisdom of his words; his prompt and favorable resolution of every case and issue presented to him.

“‘We, as the people of the Church, should thank him, especially for his sympathetic attitude towards our Church’s needs; he resolves every church issue related to the civil realm in a sense favorable to the Church. Our Holy Church has a faithful defender in him. We have gathered today in great numbers in our churches so that we, the faithful people of the church, according to our custom, may take part in prayer, celebrating this significant day for him and for all of us and asking the Lord for his continued blessing for his great feat, service to his native Fatherland and people and success in all his good endeavors.

“‘May the Lord give him many years of health and… may he stand at the helm of prosperity, may he rule over his native Country, and may our Country prosper under his wise leadership for many and many years unto the joy and happiness of its peoples. Amen.’”


Monk Benjamin (Gomarteli), “Letopis’ tserkovnykh sobytii nachinaia s 1917 goda” [Timeline of Church Events Beginning with 1917]. Part III. 1939-1949, Historical Studies of the Russian Church Abroad.


This project has been supported by the Fund for Assistance to the Russian Church Abroad


Copyright 2023 Andrei Psarev.

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