August 8

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This Day in the Life of the Church

August 8, 2023


W. Kube speaks at the Paschal reception in 1942. Kube was in his protestant church, an extreme antisemite, and a member of NSDAP since 1927. The same year later, Metropolitan Panteleimon (Rozhnovskii) was dismissed from the head of the church at the insistence of Belarus collaborator politicians

Is There Any Ideology Compatible with Christianity?

The spontaneous religious revival in the Nazi-occupied USSR did not mean that the Nazis encouraged church independence. In 1942, Archbishop Filofei (Narko) of Mogilev and Mstislavl became the head of the Orthodox Church in Belarus. He submitted to Generalkommissar Wilhelm Kube a draft of the statute for the Orthodox Church in Belarus. On August 8, 1942, Kube returned the document with his corrections. Here are some: baptism of Jews and teaching of the law of God in schools were prohibited; church marriage would not have any legal status; significant Orthodox feast days were not officially recognized. This interaction with the German authorities proves that the Nazis considered their ideology superior to Christianity and meant to use the church to achieve their goals in the occupied territories.

Relevant Link

Alexander Slesarev, A New Testimony to the Status of the Hierarchs of the Metropolitante of Belarus in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, 1948


Metropolitan Evlogy celebrates the 25th anniversary of his episcopacy at St. Alexandre Nevsky cathedral on Rue Daru in Paris. 1928

Difficult Choices in Unprecedented Canonical Circumstances


Мetropolitan Evlogii (Georgievskii) belongs to the first generation of “professional” bishops in the ROCOR, who received the best education available in the Orthodox world and actively participated in the political and ecclesial life of the Russian Empire. In 1922, he supported the foundation of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops. In 1926, Metropolitan Evlgoii decided to place himself directly under Moscow to fulfill the decree issued by Patriarch Tikhon in 1922. In 1930, he felt that he was unable to remain under Metropolitan Sergii (Stragordoskii) and became an exarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. In August 1945, he was received back into Moscow Patriarchate. The Ecumenical Patriarchate did give him a letter of canonical release, and most of the Paris Exarchate did not support this change. No wonder, then, that when Metropolitan Evlogii died on August 8, 1946, the Exarchate stopped the process of integrating with the Moscow Patriarchate.

Relevant Links

Archpriest Michael Polsky, "Essay on the Position of the Russian Exarchate of the Ecumenical Jurisdiction"

“How Wonderful it Would be if All of us Russian Exiles Would Attain the Church’s Freedom from All Influences that Are Earthly, Worldly, and Not of the Church” Correspondence between First Hierarchs of the ROCOR and Parisian Exarchate (1946-1949)

Archpriest Alexander Schmemann, "The Church and Church Structure: Regarding the book by Archpriest Polsky, The Canonical Position of the Supreme Church Authority in the USSR and Outside Russia"

Монах Вениамин Гомартели. Летопись церковных событий Православной Церкви начиная с 1917 года. Часть I: 1917 — 1927 гг. РПЦЗ:Обзор.


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