August 3 in Church History

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This Day in the Life of the Church

August 3, 2023

A Russian Sequel to the ROCOR 1921 Council

On this day in 1922, the Zemskii Sobor (Council of Local Representatives) was opened in Vladivostok. At the time, the Russian Far East was part of the territory of the former Russian Empire that was still free from Bolsheviks rule. The Zemskii Sobor with its over 200 members, including bishops and other clergy, proclaimed the restoration of the Romanov dynasty in Russia. The assembly blamed the Russian Revolution on Jewish fanatics and Russian thieves and officially banned atheism in the Far East. The Far East came under Bolshevik control the following year.


Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitskii), First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad (+1936), “Address to the Army of the Primorie Government”

Don't Ask Me Canon Law Questions

Makarios, Аrchbishop of Nova Justiniana and President of Cyprus, died on this day in 1977. He joined Kykkos monastery at the age of 13. He studied in Greece during the Nazi occupation and later in America. In 1950, he was elected an archbishop of Cyprus and national leader (ethnarchis). Makariosdetermination in the early stages of his political career to liberate of the island from British rule and unite it with Greece aroused distrust from the Turkish Cypriots and was a contributing factor in the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974.


Makarios III meets Chairman Mao Zedong. October 2, 1960. London, UK. Photo :Keystone Press / Alamy Stock Photo


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