The Radicalization of the Movement The tone of the posts published on the Telegram channel ‘The Way Home’ changed rapidly, within just three months. In September and October, numerous posts appeared in the channel urging followers to write appeals to officials, the military, governors, and human rights advocates. The administrators of the channel attached the addressees’ emails, links to virtual receptions, and request templates to the posts. At this time, however, the wives of mobilized recruits generally supported the war in Ukraine. Here is an excerpt from a post published on October 6: "We all want to win the SMO and put an end to fascism, right? At least, I think so. We wish for our country to triumph and prosper, and the military and their families want the same thing." Receiving mostly formal replies from the addressees, the wives of conscripts intensified their criticism of the Russian authorities. On November 12, the channel posted a manifesto demanding the return of the mobilized soldiers 'at all costs'. Here is an excerpt from the manifesto: "We are against legalized slavery. Both mobilized and those who have signed a military service contract must have the right to quit after their contract is over or after one year since the beginning of the service. We do not care who brings our men back." Towards the end of the month, the posts abandoned polite formulations, as can be seen in the following statement: "Are we not visible? Is it truly that challenging to shoulder the responsibility, to look us in the eye, and say straightforwardly, 'We are sorry that you have been suffering for 15 months and that you continue to suffer because of our mistakes. We are striving to bring all the conscripts home permanently by the end of 2023, allowing them to celebrate the New Year at home with their families. We apologize for turning your life into a living hell.' It would have been honest, and perhaps, we might have even understood." On December 5, 'The Way Home' shared an anonymous post from the wife of a conscript, referring to Putin as 'a reigning old man': "As of today, the point of no return has been crossed, and the relatives of those mobilized no longer believe that 'the authorities know better.' They now realize that the authorities can exploit them without batting an eye. The myths and legends of the reigning old man are now in the past, along with the Polovtsy and Pechenegs." |