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We are reaching out to you as a Valued Supporter.

Unfortunately, the current economic landscape has resulted in challenging conditions for many charities and Red Tree Foundation is no different. It costs approximately $400,000 a year to keep our Organisation and services running and while we are very grateful to receive $200,000 each year from the State Government (for 2022-2026) this leaves us with a shortfall of approximately $200,000 each year. This shortfall needs to be made up through fundraising and donations which has become increasingly challenging due to the tough economic conditions.

As a valued supported we know that you understand that providing hope and support to families as they attempt to rebuild their lives after the death of their child is vitally important. As is providing opportunities for parents to connect with other parents travelling a similar journey to reduce the sense of isolation and loneliness. Just being with others that ‘get it’ is priceless.

This last year we have seen some significant changes for our Organisation in terms of a name change and an expansion of our services both in terms of an increase in the age of deaths we support (up from 6 years of age to 17 years of age) to new initiatives such as monthly coffee club, monthly pregnancy after loss groups and couples’ dinners.

Service Statistics

From 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023 183 new baby, child and teen deaths were referred to us for grief counselling and support. We were referred 55 stillbirths,  37 genetic terminations, 51 miscarriages, 20 infant deaths under 1 year of age, 7 child deaths under 6 years of age and 13 child deaths over 6 years of age.

While we provide grief counselling and support to the immediate family we also provide support to the wider family unit as well as to friends of the deceased child’s family through our support group activities and community connection events (memorial, candle making workshop, community pizza nights, Coastal Walk).

From October 2022 to 30 September 2023, we directly and indirectly supported 667 people. During this time our counsellors provided counselling services which included: 191 home visits, 889 telephone calls, 104 telehealth sessions, 64 offsite visits, 44 office sessions and sent 774 text and email messages. That’s 2066 occasions of service in 12 months with 2 part time counsellors.

These are the free services we provide with the money we receive.

As you can see we make very good use of it!

In terms of where our referrals come from, 142 came from public hospital social workers, 2 came from SAPOL, 11 came from Red Nose as they do not provide counselling services in SA, 23 were self-referrals and 5 came from other sources such as GP’s or other government departments.

We regularly receive amazing feedback from our clients and stakeholders about our service and would love to share some feedback received.

“I have felt safer in this group, talking about my loss, than I do with my family”.

- Bereaved Mum

“Our counsellor was amazing to me and my partner and helped through our darkest of days. Red Tree Foundation has helped with my grieving journey enormously and I wouldn’t be here today without the support”.

- Bereaved Mum

“The client I referred said she loved you and felt so safe talking with you, even safe enough to cry”.

- Hospital Social Worker

We need your help to meet our yearly shortfall. To make a donation go to:

1) Google the Red Tree Foundation Webpage

and click the red DONATE button in the Menu Bar.

2) Scan the QR Code displayed on this letter and donate directly.


Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to covering the costs of our free grief services.

Yours sincerely,

Liza Jankowski

Chief Executive Officer

© Copyright, 2024, Red Tree Foundation and SIDS and Kids SA • 17 Hindmarsh Place, HINDMARSH SA 5007

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