Sylvan Realm - "Waldeinsamkeit"

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Listen "Waldeinsamkeit"
Band: Sylvan Realm
Release date:
Country: United States

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Sylvan Realm was formed in 2010 in Maryland USA after Sylvan ended his blackened death metal project Reverie. Evan Madden ex woe, ex woods of ypres was recruited for drums along with Jason Eckert from Aurora Borealis for bass while Sylvan wrote the songs on guitar along with the lyrics and artwork as well as musical concept. In 2011 the lodge of transcendence was recorded by the trio at Nightsky Studios with Ron Vento from Aurora Borealis as an engineer, mixing and mastering. Sylvan Realm is rooted in post-black metal with elements of doom, neo-folk, death metal and dark rock. We wanted to really push the boundaries to creativity and writing music and not have to conform to one style while still writing cathartically dark music. The lodge of transcendence came out with a progressive post-black metal feel with dark rock and doom elements and was inspired by David Lynch’s Twin Peaks series.

In 2012 the trio once again went to Ron Vento’s Nightsky studio to record Waldeinsamkeit. Due to many unforeseen circumstances with Sylvan’s life such as multiple moves, a career change, and completing a Master’s degree, the Waldeinsamkeit album was shelved until 2019. When the time was finally right to revisit Waldeinsamkeit Sylvan entered The Decibel Foundry studio with Augustine Ortiz Jr. as an engineer and completed the album. Mell Dettmer mixed and mastered the album, she was chosen for her work with bands such as Wolves in the throne room and Sunno))). Waldeinsamkeit is an emotionally cathartic album with a deep autumnal feeling to it that mixes in more dark rock and neo-folk along with dark metal and intricate guitar solos along with instrumental sections. Influences for Sylvan Realm are vast and many however some are important to mention such as old Anathema, old Katatonia, fields of the Neiphlim, forgotten woods, Saturnus, Fen, the Morningside, Empyrium, Paradise lost, and Tiamat, Black Sabbath, Edge of Sanity, early In the woods.


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