SECRET CHORD released a new video for "Never Again". Album available for review;

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Listen "Aurora"
Artist: Secret Chord
Release title: Aurora
Label: Sleaszy Rider SRL
Release Date: 12-03-2021
Format: CD, Digital
Genre: Alternative/Gothic/Symphonic Metal
Country: Portugal

Four years after the release of the debut EP “Dimensions Of A Dream”, SECRET CHORD are back with a new full-length which marks a new and exciting chapter in the career of the band from Portugal. Comprising nine original tracks endowed with impressive energy, “Aurora” is the group’s first album to be released through a record label, in this case the Greek independent label Sleaszy Rider Records.

Heavy riffs, striking melodies and epic environments are some of the main ingredients of “Aurora”, an album that intends to bring a ray of hope in times of great uncertainty and instability. The combination of aggressiveness and melancholy is one of the strengths of this new work, which reveals a sound never before experienced by the quintet.

The concept of “Aurora” was built around several themes directly related to the psychological dimension of the human being and the melodic progressions present in each theme also accompany this reflection, as SECRET CHORD singer Raquel Subtil explains: “The idea explored focuses on three fundamental elements – the human being, our inner light and the darkness that we try at all costs to escape. “Aurora” represents the strength, perseverance and energy that we all have within us, despite being often faded and lacking in vigor, but which always ends up being reborn with each new day”.

The recording sessions of “Aurora” took place at Golden Jack Studios, in Coimbra, during the last quarter of 2020, with the mixing and mastering in charge of João Dourado, drummer for the thrashers Terror Empire. A choice that was quite natural for SECRET CHORD, as the band had previously collaborated with the producer on their debut EP and the 2018’s “Wraith Of Oblivion” single.

The new “Aurora” contains special guests in some tracks, like the vocal contribution of Miguel Inglês, frontman of Equaleft, in the imposing track “Empowerment”. Francisco Brito was responsible for recording all the bass lines, even though he's no longer an official band member. Last but not least, the album also counts with the collaboration of the mixed choir of the “Louzan Associação Cultural - A Cor dos Aplausos” in about half of the tracks, something that surely helps to print a more grandiose and elaborate tone that will not leave any listener indifferent to it.

01 Dawn
02 Everything Repeats
03 Lack Of Contact
04 Trust In Yourself
05 Empowerment
06 Egocentric Lust
07 Never Again
08 Sickness
09 Demon Angels

Raquel Subtil - Vocals
Carlos Pereira - Guitar, vocals
João Conceição - Guitar
Nuno Fidalgo - Bass
Afonso Martins - Drums

Portuguese symphonic metal unit Secret Chord have just released their new single. Entitled "Never Again" and available on video, the track is taken off the band's debut full-length "Aurora".

Watch the video at this location:



Os portugueses Secret Chord acabam de lançar um novo single. Intitulado "Never Again" e acompanhado de um vídeo, o single é extraído do alinhamento de "Aurora", o longa-duração de estreia da banda de metal de Coimbra.

Assiste ao vídeo nesta ligação:

Com riffs bem pesados, melodias marcantes e ambientes épicos, “Aurora” é um álbum que pretende trazer uma réstia de esperança em tempos de grande incerteza e instabilidade.

O conceito do disco foi construído em torno de várias temáticas diretamente relacionadas com a dimensão psicológica do ser humano e as progressões melódicas presentes em cada tema acompanham também essa reflexão, como explica a vocalista dos SECRET CHORD, Raquel Subtil: “A ideia que explorámos centra-se em três elementos fundamentais – o ser humano, a nossa luz interior e a escuridão de que tentamos a todo o custo fugir. “Aurora” representa a força, a perseverança e a energia que todos temos dentro de nós, apesar de muitas vezes estar desvanecida e sem vigor, mas que acaba sempre por voltar a renascer, a cada novo dia”.



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