Ninhursag - "Rite Of Initiating Blessing Part I" (Black Metal)

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Listen "Rite Of Initiating Blessing Part I"
Artist: Ninhursag
Release title: Rite Of Initiating Blessing Part I
Label: Self-Released
Release Date: 10-09-2020
Format: Digital
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Croatia

The band is available for e-mail interviews.

For fans of Lvcifyre, Zhrine, Schammasch, Aversio Humanitatis, Bölzer

Enshag comments: «The new album is in the mixing and mastering process, I hope everything will be done soon so the release date can be somewhere around April or May. Things are now a bit difficult because I moved to Germany and the guy mixing it is in Croatia, so it is a bit hard to work on distance but everything will be as it should be in the end. Considering the next album or to say the next EP, the story will continue where it ended on the last record, pushing it even further. There will also be 2 songs and it will last for about 20 min all together, so I am really excited about it, and cannot wait to be finished and released. All news about the upcoming record, release date and everything will be announced when the time comes for it.»

1. River Of Creation
2. Invocation Of Soul Memory
Enshag - Guitars, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Drums arrangement
Mix and Mastering - Matko Gibičar


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