March release: Boötes Void - "C.O.L.D." (Occult Black Metal)

Newsletter Archive
Artist: Boötes Void
Release title: "C.O.L.D."
Release date: 09.03.2022
Label: Ketzer Records
Genre: Occult Black Metal
Country: Germany

The band is available for interviews.

At the start of 2019 Boötes Void was born as a side project of some musicians from Würzburg in

The first concert took place, directly afterward the band went to the Soundbath Studios in Rothenburg to make the first recordings. And while they were looking for the possibilities to release the first EP, the next live shows took place at the Saartanica Festival and the Minas Morgul & Ctulu. 2020 started with the release of the first record on Winterwolf Tonschmiede and Narbentage Productions. Time goes on and so did the songwriting for the first album "C.O.L.D." (Circle of life and death) went on and on and it came to the point where the debut is ready and will be released by „Ketzer Records“ soon. With this on board, some more live Rites followed to enslave the crowd into the occult ban of Boötes Void
1. Yule
2. Imbolc
3. Ostara
4. Beltane
5. Litha
6. Lughnasadh
7. Mabon/Samhain


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