March release: Final Cry - "The Ever-Rest"

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Band: Final Cry
Title: The Ever-Rest
Label: MDD
Release: 18 March 2022
Format: CD (Jewel Case)
Genre: Thrash / Melodic Death Metal

For more than 30 years, FINAL CRY have been a constant part of the German metal scene and now present their sixth long player with the mountaineering epic "The Ever-Rest". Once again, the band succeeds in reinventing themselves without losing sight of their roots.

Their sound, still rooted in thrash metal, captivates with merciless riffing, raging drums and a great feeling for melodies and atmosphere and builds a bridge between the classic thrash of the 80s and the dark Scandinavian styles of the 90s, which have increasingly found their way into the band's sound since "Neptune's Relief" (2007) at the latest. After guitarist Eiko took up the mike on the previous album "Zombique", this position has now been filled by Kai Wilhelm (Across The Burning Sky, a.o.). His nasty screams and growls not only give the band's sound a new note but also fit the album's deadly, frosty scenario like a glove. The overall concept, for which Burghardt Sonnenburg is once again responsible for the content, is rounded off by a 20-page story booklet, which tells the real stories that form the basis of each individual song. Herbie Langhans (AVANTASIA) and Børd Wäsche (EYE SEE BLACK) were also enlisted for some backing vocals and choirs, which support the epic depth of the album's theme.

"The Ever-Rest" was recorded at Soundlodge Studio under the wing of Jörg Uken and is undoubtedly a highlight in the quintet's oeuvre and should delight both old and new fans of the band from Lower Saxony. For their long-time fans, the band has also re-recorded "Words Unspoken", one of their all-time classics from 1994, as a bonus and ported it into the new millennium.


01. The Brotherhood Of The Rope
02. The Ever-Rest
03. Down The Icefall
04. The Beckoning Silence
05. Seven Summits
06. Ascending The Avalanche
07. Mallory's Mask
08. Into The Whiteout
09. Words Unspoken
10. This Ending

Kai Wilhelm - Vocals
Burghardt Sonnenburg - Guitar
Eiko Truckenbrodt - Guitar
Sonja Sonnenburg - Bass
Holger Feldmann - Drums

2022 The Ever-Rest
2018 Zombique
2007 Neptune’s Relief
2002 Wolves Among Sheep
2000 Spellcast
1997 Wavecrest
1996 Stormclouds (EP)



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