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SANATANA is available for interviews!

Release title: BRAHMAVIDYA
Label: Self-Released
Release Date: 26-11-2017
Format: CD, Digital
Genre: Metal and New Age
Country: Ukraine

For fans of Gojira, Mgla, Dead Can Dance, Cult of Fire

The band comments: «The Brahma-Vidya album was our first album and we recorded it practically in one breath. It actually consists of two albums: Brahma - heavy but Vedic metal, and Vidya - mantras and new age. We have combined it into one double album, two completely different in style, but identical in spirit, albums.

This time, we decided to split and release one at a time. The Premadhana album is a logical continuation of the Vidya album,  and our next album, Vairagya, is a genre continuation of the Brahma album. But this album is certainly different from all the previous ones. For those who follow our work, it will be interesting to compare this album with our previous works.

This project was born spontaneously, from the heart, as a natural desire to share the inner content. Each participant in our project is a creative person. In general, every person strives for self-expression, love, and understanding. Sometimes it takes on malignant forms: madness, useless violence, totalitarianism, propaganda of lies, hypocrisy, and so on.  We are for a healthy mind, for everything that is conscious and harmonious. It is always more difficult to create than to consume and destroy, and strong and worthy things always require effort.

In a practical sense, my wife and I, in 2016, already having musical experience on stage in other bands, created our own project SANATANA.  Our close friend Vrajendra, who is responsible for the ideological part of our project, participates in it.  Session friends-musicians also play with us and are happy to help us.»

1-1 Ugra
1-2 Mukti
1-3 Through Punishment
1-4 Black Mother Earth
1-5 Meditation
1-6 Consecration
1-7 Shiva
1-8 Thunder Cloud
2-1 Pranama
2-2 Maya
2-3 Guru
2-4 Sadhana
2-5 Narayana
2-6 Jyoti
2-7 Yuga Dharma
2-8 Brahma Samhita



For Interviews and other requests get in touch with

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