Remain Untamed - "New World Order"

Newsletter Archive

The band is available for interviews!

Emerging from the remnants of the reunion of semi-legendary 80’s Haarlem area
crossover thrash act BRUTAL OBSCENITY, Remain Untamed was founded back in
2015. Bassplayer Ernst, singer Kees and drummer Emiel continued as BRUUT but this
initiation of the band was very short-lived. The band name was changed to Remain
Untamed with an added touch of humor referring to the slightly “progressed” age of
most of the bandmembers. Ernst decided to continue and soon added Patrick on
guitars, Stein (ex- Egghead) on drums and Vinnie (ex-Skeletons Of Society) on vocals.
Second guitar player Hans (ex- T.C.F.) was added shortly after. These 5 guys formed a
stable line up which lasts until this day.
In 2016 the first gig was played at the Patronaat club in Haarlem and the setlist still
relied a little on old Brutal Obscenity songs. Soon after enough material was written
to release a first EP. Recorded at Pitchnote Studio’s by producer Jory Hogeveen in only
a few days the EP contained energetic, raw crossover thrash which captured the first
year of the band.
In the following years, many more live gigs were played with among others Sinister,
Ritual, Hallowed Fire and many more. The material progressed to a more coherent
style, more thrash elements were added and more complex song structured were
adapted. In 2020 the band finished enough material to record a new mini-CD. “New
World Order” was again recorded at New Road and Pitchnote Studio’s by producer
Jory Hogeveen. The CD contains cover art by world-renowned artist Mario Lopez and
a musical contribution by Bernd “Bernemann” Kost (Bonded, ex-Sodom). After some
Covid-19 downtime, 2021 will hopefully see Remain Untamed perform firing on all
cylinders again!



For Interviews and other requests get in touch with

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