Out soon! Morgoth - "Ungod" (reissue)

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Listen "Ungod"

Label: MDD Records
Release: 24 September 2021

The beginning of the 90s was the moment when death metal came to light and started its triumphal procession in the hard metal spectrum. A flagship of this era is the German Morgoth, who wrote Death Metal history with their first two albums. Following the spirit of the times as the 90s progressed, the band changed stylistically, which did not meet with the approval of their fans, despite musically high-quality albums. From today's point of view, the band disappeared from the scene with their album "Feel Sorry For The Fanatic" in 1998. In 2012, Morgoth briefly returned to the limelight for various live activities until original singer Marc Grewe, undoubtedly also the band's figurehead, left.

From the fans' point of view, this gap could not be filled with Disbelief singer Carsten Jäger, which is why the band soon disappeared from the scene again - and with it the 2015 album "Ungod", which at that time was the first album after 20 years.

Musically, not listening to "Ungod" is an outrage! That's why MDD has dug up this highlight of a death metal album again, because we are sure, from today's point of view, the view on this album will be different. The opener alone, "House Of Blood", is a hymn of the century without equal, and the album doesn't get any weaker in the further course either. "Ungod" is therefore justifiably a gem of the forefathers of German death metal history.

01. House Of Blood
02. Voice Of Slumber
03. Snakestate
04. Black Enemy
05. Descent Into Hell
06. Ungod
07. Nemesis
08. God Is Evil
09. Traitor
10. Prison In Flesh
11. The Dark Sleep


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