Today, UK heavy metal trailblazers The Spectre Beneath unleash their new single, "Forsaken...We All Fall". With their unique blend of heavy, power, and progressive metal, this self-released track is set to electrify fans and newcomers alike. Facing adversity after the departure of their former vocalist L Lockser due to medical reasons, The Spectre Beneath has triumphantly risen with the addition of Stevie on vocals. Her soulful and powerful voice breathes new life into the band, showcasing her impressive range and injecting an element of sass into their already dynamic sound. "Forsaken...We All Fall" builds upon the foundations of the band's first two albums, delivering fast rhythms, soaring vocals, catchy melodies, and intricate riffs wrapped in a raw and energetic production. The apocalyptic theme of the single, centered around a survivor of a zombie outbreak, is a tantalizing glimpse into the future direction of the band. Music and lyrics for "Forsaken...We All Fall" are penned by guitarist Pete Worrall, with vocal melodies crafted by Pete Worrall, Katy Lennon, and Silvija Bogojevic. Recorded at Baron Studios in England between January and June 2022, this self-produced track is mixed and mastered by Juho Kilponen of Kilproduction Audio. Don't miss out on this thrilling new single! Check out "Forsaken...We All Fall" on their Bandcamp, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and Instagram pages. And stay tuned for more exciting news from The Spectre Beneath! |