Prepper Field Day June 20 - 23

Newsletter Archive

Prepper Field Days Camping Adventure

When: June 20 to 23, 2024
Where: Ft Churchill State Park Pony Bob Haslam Group Use / Camping pavilion.
GPS: 39.288821  -119.273841
Keep an eye on the New Updates section below.

Park Website: Click Here

PLEASE RSVP IF YOU HAVE NOT YET DONE SO using the button below. Let us know the number of persons in your party, number of kids under age 16 and the days you wish to attend.


We are reserving the Group Area of the park. There are also individual campsites available next to the group area. There will be a small fee to be in the group area or to camp each day in the individual areas, payable to the park ranger. Please review the park's website above.

Ham Radio Call In Frequency:  147.440 mhz simplex
Phone: 775-336-7170 (depending on coverage)

New Updates:

Event Schedule Now Included.

If you have an idea for a presentation or demo, or if you are interested in being a presenter at this event, please let us know. Use the button below labeled Email Your Questions.

We are setting up a group kitchen area with a couple of propane stoves you can use. If you want to bring a little extra food for demonstrations please do so.

Please pay your fees at the entrance to the park. There is a sign right there with information about how to pay. We reserved the group area so you only pay for camping or parking.

Our 10th annual Field Days Adventure!

Prepper Field Days is our biggest event of the year.  Come join us and experience the fun.  Field Days is a multi-faceted event that includes:

  • Amateur Ham Radio – Tied to the national Ham radio organization American Radio Relay League (ARRL), multiple Ham radios will be in use (see below for more information)
  • Camping – Test your preps away from home. Always fun!
  • Disaster Preparedness and Survival Training and Events (See below for more information)

Amateur Radio - World Wide Communications

For many decades, throughout the world, when emergencies occur, especially when power is interrupted, civilian amateur radio operators spring into action and provide invaluable and essential emergency communications.  Today, all governmental organizations have a volunteer emergency radio system built into their emergency plans and operations.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national organization that, under law, oversees amateur radio operations in the US.  Once a year they hold their national “Field Day” event.  A huge number of amateur Ham radio operators, many of which are quite serious/dedicated, compete to see who can generate the most “Contacts” (People they connect with over the radio frequencies) or who can reach someone over the longest distance, and more.

NNPG, participates not to win prizes or achieve accolades, rather, our goal is to allow those with no Ham radio experience to learn about its capabilities, how easy it is to use and simply to have fun.  We enable you to actually use the radio to make contacts…it’s loads of fun!

Disaster Preparedness & Survival Training And Events

NNPG is dedicated to providing information and training to help you and your family in the event of a man-made or natural disaster.  So, come and learn in a fun environment as throughout the event there will be preparedness training, demonstrations and events. 

We arrive Thursday around Noon to begin setup.

On Thursday and Friday you can:

  • Setup your own camp site
  • Ask Questions about prepping, get answers
  • Learn about ham radio and make contacts, even if you are not licensed 

Saturday Schedule: 

  • All Day - Learn about ham radio and make contacts
  • 10 AM - Setup and participate in the barter training session
  • 11 AM - Communication Skills Test - FUN
  • Noon - Lunch and pot luck - demonstrate your food preservation skills
  • 1 PM - Off Grid Power demos, questions and answers
  • 2 PM - Message encryption / decryption participation session using Graytell
  • 3 PM - Knife / Blade sharpening session

Sunday Schedule:

  • 10 AM - Food demos - show off your food preservation skills
  • 11 AM - New product demos - wrap up
  • NOON - This is when we must be cleaned up and leaving 
Email Your Questions
Go to our website for more

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