The secret to getting sh*t done

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Hey , happy new month!

2022 is already at the half-time, and if you watch football, you know that the second half is the most important. So, take some time to re-evaluate your goals and systems to see what you can do better.

In my last email, I shared the Question-Action Matrix with you and I loved getting your responses. In case you’ve forgotten what it looks like, here it is again:


Like I said earlier, the place to be, is Q1, and from the responses I got, most people are in Q3. Trust me, I can relate because I’m in Q3 too. 

The secret to moving from Q3 to Q1 is to learn how to take action quickly. As simple as this advice seems, it is incredibly hard to take. 

Here’s what I mean. For those of us in Q3, we love to have all the information before making a move, which makes sense, because we are thinkers, and therein is the problem. 

You can never have all the information. 

Steve Jobs said, You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you have to connect them looking backward. 

If you will get more done, you will have to figure out how to move even though you don’t have all the information. 

You have to get out of your head and stop thinking about all the ways something can fail, and just do it. 

You see, while your lack of action and your need for having all the information can seem like wisdom, it’s often borne out of fear. 

We are scared of what we don’t know or understand, and we try to find as much information as possible in a bid to feel more secure. 

It doesn’t work like that. 


There’s no guarantee that the digital skill you choose to work on is the best one for you, and there’s no guarantee that the job you want to take won’t be the worst decision ever. 

You have to take the risk anyway.

Gary Vee says most people don’t take action because they want to win 3-0, that is, make 3 attempts at something, and succeed every time. But the most successful people are the ones that are 64-45. 

They may have lost a lot, but their wins will eventually outweigh their losses. 

So, my advice to myself, and to you, , is to get comfortable with making decisions, even when you don’t have all the information you need. 

Finally, here’s a practical tip to make this email actually useful. 

Identify the smallest thing you can do to take action when you find an idea. 

For me, it’s writing about it. 

For you, it could be buying a domain name (This is what Asemota does), or even printing a T-shirt.

Either way, you want to learn the habit of moving when you have ideas, rather than waiting for everything to become perfect.

So, in the spirit of this, here’s me trying to take action on my ideas.

Over the last 2 weeks, I have had over 10 people ask me how they could get remote jobs online. During that same time, I have over 4 offers from foreign companies on LinkedIn, and a week ago, I just closed a new client on Upwork. 

I am planning to hold a free webinar this month on how to get a remote job, and I’ll like to know, what specific questions do you have about getting remote jobs or earning in dollars

Reply to this email with your questions, and we’ll try to answer them. 

Looking forward to hearing from you, 


P.S - Would you like me to write more about the Question-Activity Matrix. If I get 10 yeses, I’ll write an article on it detailing all my thoughts.

If you have any questions, you can reach us by email at favour@thefavourphronesis or send us a DM via WhatsApp

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