Hi , Welcome to the TheFavourPhronesis Community. You are receiving this email because you registered to join the TheFavourPhronesis community. First of all, I just wanted to give you a warm welcome. I should have sent this a long time ago, but things kept getting in the way, and I apologize for that. |
My name is Favour, and I'm the Team Lead/CEO of TheFavourPhronesis. I lead an amazing team of young men and women who are passionate about helping small businesses, startups, and creatives build better products and solve pressing problems for their audience. TheFavourPhronesis is a digital marketing and business development agency that helps small businesses, startups, and small creatives figure out who they are, who they serve, and how best to serve them. Because we are so passionate about helping creatives like you, I've ensured that TheFavourPhrones has had a community element built in from scratch.
You see, there is something absolutely powerful about coming together with people that you can relate to, share ideas, and grow together. Great things happen when we come together, and this community is where we come together. |
TheFavourPhronesis community is a space filled with young creatives, freelancers, and other digital natives who are doing amazing things. In the community, we have deep conversations about the things that affect us, our work, and our lives. For example, last week, we talked about how to start earning with our digital skills, and next week, we will be talking about how to remain focused when working, do deep work, defeat procrastination, and actually get stuff done. I don't know about you, but I often have problems staying focused enough to finish a specific task, and I'm thrilled to finally figure out a way to fix that. |
Over the next few weeks, I would send you 2 to 3 emails per week. Each one of them will contain some amazing ideas that will help you develop your creative skill, make more money, and unleash your unique brand of awesomeness on the world. You can rest assured that every single email is dedicated to bringing you value. If it does not bring value, I will not hit the send button! Whether you are learning a new skill, trying to make more money with an existing one, or simply looking to develop new relationships with high-value people, this community, is a great way to achieve that and even more. |
Now, before I go, I would like to ask you to do two things. 1. Can you please hit the "reply" button to let me know that you received this email Why? Well, sending us a reply lets us know that we are speaking to real people and that our messages are getting to you. Plus, they help our email provider know that we don't spam, so we don't get banned. All you have to do is respond with a simple "Got it" or "Sure thing!" 2. Drag this email to your inbox if it ended up in the Spam/Promotions tab Why? To help us out, and to ensure that you don't miss out on any new mails. |
If you have any further questions, please let me know either by replying to this mail or by sending a message on the community WhatsApp group. I'm glad to have you hear. - Favour Yusuf. P.S If you don't want to receive our emails, you can unsubscribe with the button below, and although, we'll be sad to see you go, we'll understand. |
© Copyright, 2025, TheFavourPhronesis Oluwo Road, Bashorun, Ibadan, No. 8 |
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