πŸ”” Our latest publications

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Publications digest

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Dear GRATA International Team,

We are excited to introduce a new initiative aimed at keeping you informed and inspired – the "Latest Publications Digest". This digest will serve as an overview of our recent publications, highlighting our collective achievements, and recognizing the exceptional work of our authors.

This will be a quaterly issue, and in each edition you can expect to find:

- a summary of our latest articles across various topics.

- insightful statistics on article views and reader engagement.

- recognition of our top authors who have contributed significantly.

- an overview of the most covered topics.

In this issue we also provide some valuable recommendations aimed at enhancing your article preparation process.

Key publication figures

since Jan 1, 2024




GILS issues


Joint articles


Doing business 


Guide contributions

TOP publication contributors

TOP authors with the most

profile views

(according to Mondaq)

1. Bolormaa Volodya

2. Assel Ilyassova

3. Kamila Urazalina 

4. Buyanjargal Tungalag 

5. Shaimerden Chikanayev 

Mass media coverage

since Jan 1, 2024


(according to Mondaq)

GRATA International Legal Series (GILS)

The new product introduced in April 2024. This is a distinctive legal handbook offering essential legal insights and practical tips for conducting business across jurisdictions where GRATA International operates. 

The first edition of GILS is dedicated to employment law.

The guide covers 17 jurisdictions.

The second edition of GILS is dedicated to corporate law

The guide covers 15 jurisdictions.

The third edition of GILS is dedicated to dispute resolution.

The guide covers 11 jurisdictions.

Upcoming editions: Tax control and appealing its results, Antitrust law, etc.

We are sure that GILS publications will be useful for you and your client.

Joint publications

These are the articles prepared by offices on a certain topic within industry and practice area commities.

Islamic Finance in the Post-Soviet Space, UAE and Turkey

Advertising of Drugs and Dietary Supplement

Pricing of medicines

Trademark registration

Doing Business

International guide contributions

Publications developed by Almaty and Ulanbaatar offices, providing  answers to the frequently asked questions for starting and doing business in these countries.

1. Mondaq Oil & Gas Comparative Guide: Kazakhstan

Authors: Yerbolat Yerkebulanov, Leila Makhmetova, Lyazzat Zhilkibagarova

2. LexologΡƒ Panoramic: Arbitration in Azerbaijan 

Authors: Ummi Jalilova, Royal Ibrahimli, Fatima Eyyub

3. Lexologу Panoramic: Data Protection and Privacy: Kazakhstan

Author: Saule Akhmetova

4. Lexologу Panoramic: Investment Treaty Arbitration: Kazakhstan

Authors: Askar Konysbayev, Maxim Burak, Zhibek Mukhamedkarim

5. Mondaq Tax Disputes: Kazakhstan

Authors: Assel Ilyassova

Templates for the visual layout of Doing Business publications are available here.

 Useful Tools and Recommendations for Article Preparation

We are excited to share some valuable resources and recommendations aimed at enhancing our article preparation process.

Whether you're crafting articles, reviews, or other materials, these tools are designed to streamline your workflow and boost productivity:

1. Recommendations for Effective Article Writing;

2. AI Tools for Article Writing.

Learn more

Recent exclusive articles for mass media

We look forward to seeing many more insightful contributions from you in the future!

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