PANDA Insights: 6 September 2024

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Hardship and heartache told at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry

Guest editorial by Biologyphenom

The Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry has laid bare the abuse and neglect suffered by Scottish citizens at the hands of government policies.

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Articles written during the heat of "pandemic" mania

Article by Jonathan Engler

Looking back at the early days of mania, it's incredible how early "died with" was being conflated with "died from".

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Pfizer Does Not Own Orgenesis: So Why Does This Misinformation Trend on X?

Article by Robert Kogon

"I would submit that it is because the X algorithm in fact serves to do the exact opposite of what is claimed. It serves to amplify misinformation and suppress information."

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On Our Radar

It's in the data
"This [sudden kidney failure] is the greatest loss of life in 100 years in the United States and it doesn't seem like any are picking up on it" ~ John Beaudoin Sr

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The World Health Organisation Pandemic Accord negotiations update
One Health is firmly entrenched and incorporation into national laws has been suggested. David Bell's excellent article from 2023 sheds light on how this philosophy may influence society.

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De-growth unveiled
Recently published review of the degrowth literature shows almost 90% are opinions rather than analysis. Read paper.
"The degrowth movement’s attack on GDP growth is not a good-faith effort to replace a poor, blunt, and often misleading measure in the interests of an abundance of problem solving, but rather a way to harness popular economic discontent arising from failed centralising technocracy to entrench more failed centralising technocracy." ~ Russell Lamberti from ‘De-Growth’ is the latest excuse for central economic planning

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Neil Oliver speaks to Nick Hudson
"In the grip of madness...disguising their drive for power and control!!!"

Watch the interview


How much do we really know about the history of disease, vaccines and public health? How much does the establishment want us to know?

"Majorities are never a proof of the truth" ~ Dr. Walter R. Hadwen

Open Sessions by Roman Bystrianyk

Watch Part 1: An overview
Watch Part 2: Focus on smallpox

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