PANDA Insights: 2 August 2024

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Green propaganda is masking real statistics

Article by Ben Pile

The green agenda is increasingly infiltrating our institutions by disguising the truth.

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The Greatest Story Never Told: German Virology in Wuhan (and Montana)

Guest editorial by Robert Kogon

What about all the German connections to virus research in Wuhan which involve not just funding, but also a full-fledged German-Chinese virology lab in Wuhan?

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Australia: Erasing the evidence

Article by Jonathan Engler

The Australian Actuaries Institute has published its latest report on mortality using a "new conceptual framework".

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Are the leaked Robert Koch Institute files forgeries?

Article by Robert Kogon

What was publicized as the biggest scoop in the leaked RKI Files is an anachronism that raises questions about legitimacy. Could the documents have been faked by the institute?

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On Our Radar

From the conclusion of Dr Denis Rancourt's latest paper on excess mortality during the Covid period:
"We are compelled to state that the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period, via assaults on populations, harmful medical interventions, and COVID-19 vaccine rollouts."

In the words of Thomas Verduyn, "That's the blood of 31 million people on the hands of the 'public health establishment', without anyone yet being tried, convicted, or imprisoned. Worse, the same people are still promoting the Covid-death-shot, and still writing articles to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Inconceivable."

"We are now reaping the harvest of untruth...Power has displaced integrity."
An excellent call by David Bell to take a stand.
Read his article on Brownstone Institute.

Writing for the Daily Sceptic, Dr Julius Grower asks us to “imagine being a politician who boasts about plans to remove free speech protections from university academics. Now imagine that you are the Secretary of State for Education. Labour’s Bridget Phillipson doesn’t have to. She is both”

“...the Government’s message to genuine liberals within the academy could not be clearer. It is that...there is nothing wrong with professors and lecturers being scared into silence over socially salient issues or being dismissed from their posts for daring to possess honest but unfashionable views.”
Read more in the Free Speech Union's article

"I realized I have an issue with the term 'vaccine injury'. 'Injury' conveys the sense of an accident or mishap you can heal from. Auto-immune conditions, permanent heart damage and the like are not injuries. They’re disabilities, often permanent."

Nick Hudson

Dr Randall Bock

The opioid epidemic, widely believed to be caused by the aggressive marketing of OxyContin and pharmaceutical greed, actually has deeper roots in the medicalization of addiction.

Open Session by Dr Randall Bock

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