PANDA Insights: 5 July 2024

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FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Data Fails to Substantiate the New York City Death Spike

Guest editorial by Jessica Hockett

Following an unprecedented mass death disaster, such as that claimed in New York City during spring 2020, you would expect claims for funeral assistance to peak.

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Germany Creating Capacity to Produce Over One Billion mRNA Vaccine Doses Per Year

News article by Robert Kogon

Why did Wacker invest €100 million in a factory to produce mRNA vaccines for a non-existent market and how could it even afford to do so?

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Stakeholder Capitalism | Richard Jeffs

Enacted in 2020 by the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, Stakeholder Capitalism is a new political system currently being mandated by governments, aligning with Klaus Schwab's intent to transition the world to full Stakeholder Capitalism by 2030.

Open Session by Richard Jeffs

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Hidden Influence | David Charalambous

How were false beliefs created during the Covid event, and how have those beliefs formed an unconscious web driving people's behaviour and thinking?

Open Session by David Charalambous

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On Our Radar

Degrowth propaganda is everywhere you look now. From Dutch news: "The Netherlands will have to get rid of the idea that electricity is available to everyone at all times."

What is the de-growth agenda?

"At the “Beyond Growth” conference hosted by the European Parliament, speakers discussed new ways in which governments and large supranational bureaucracies can direct economic resources. This is the reincarnate ‘Club of Rome’ and it seeks to reassert the ideas of planetary finitude needing mediation by wise technocrats with sweeping powers: The Great (Malthusian) Reset. Echoing the WHO Council on the "Economics of Health for All", the conference is using the idea of moving beyond GDP to prepare the soil for ever more authoritarian policies that crimp productivity to accommodate climate alarmism (Net Zero), health technocracy (Pandemic Preparedness and the monitored society), and corporate control (ESG). These objectives are merely the modern veils being used to extend a vast central economic planning system, which in turn needs measures of ‘economic well-being’ designed to show its success and hide its hideous flaws."
From Russell Lamberti's article "De-growth is the latest excuse for central economic planning"

After two years of negotiations, the 77th World Health Assembly passed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

"Most importantly, the IHR provides a legal framework for swift action. No more bureaucratic delays or red tape during a crisis—just decisive, life-saving measures implemented when and where needed most. These include quarantine protocols, travel restrictions, and other critical interventions during health emergencies, ensuring a more proactive and organized global response to future health crises."

This wasn't always part of the WHO's plans.

"In its 2019 pandemic influenza recommendations, WHO stated that “not in any circumstances” should contact tracing, border closures, entry or exit screening, or quarantine of exposed individuals be undertaken in an established pandemic. They wrote this because such measures would cause more harm than good, and disproportionately harm poorer people. In 2020, in conjunction with private and national sponsors, it supported the largest wealth shift in history from low- to high-income earners by promoting these same measures. In abandoning its principles, WHO consigned millions of girls to nightly rape through child marriage, increased teenage pregnancies and child mortality, reduced childhood education, and grew poverty and malnutrition. Despite most of these people being too young to be troubled by Covid or already having immunity, they promoted billions of dollars worth of mass vaccination, whilst the burdens of traditional priorities such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS grew. Western media have met this with silence or empty rhetoric. Saving lives does not turn a profit, but selling commodities does. WHO’s sponsors are doing what they need for their investors, whilst WHO is doing what it needs to keep their money flowing."
From David Bell's article "The WHO, sovereignty, and reality"

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