New year, new you! 💜

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Dearest conscious family, 

We made it through, and here we are - fresh and new! We hope that you had a restful and meaningful transition from 2022 into 2023.

This year, we want to grow closer as a community and support each other in raising our consciousness as a collective and co-creating a more harmonious, loving, respectful, just and caring society. We would love to hear your thoughts on how we can co-create conscious awesomeness and make the platform even better.

To start the year off, here are some opportunities to treat yourself to some deserved self-love with workshops, retreats, festivals and more!


Love Lab #1

Love Lab is back with a series of fun, evidence-based, creative, couples' events combining science and spirituality to cultivate true, deep and lasting love. Is living together “happily ever after” possible? Are there things couples can do to keep the flame burning strong for years and decades? The answer to both of these questions is yes! In fact, this is where the real love begins. Join Louise and Narissa and take your date night to the next level.    

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Feminine Healing Retreat 

What better place could possibly exist for you to reconnect with Mother Earth and her elements than in the cradle of mankind - Africa? We offer you a unique retreat set in the magical Samawati house, located on the pristine Indian Ocean beach front of Kilifi, Kenya. Embedded in mother natures peaceful embrace lies the ultimate gift, a space for you to be nurtured and inspired as you rest, unwind and rediscover your divine feminine power.  

Book your space

Men’s Cacao Fire Ceremony

This ceremony is for all the men who want to deeply connect to their voice, emotions, instincts, the power of the masculine and feminine energy and to be able to manifest a life that they feel fully immersed in. You will be guided through a meditation, connect to your inner voice and sound, where you can share stories in a listening circle and tend to a fire that we hold together. All whilst connecting to the power of Cacao.   

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Energy healing Retreat

Set on the spectacular Kuruwitu marine reserve, this retreat offers a unique experience to go deeper into the knowledge of your energetic system, bring through a higher awareness of what is blocking you and integrate your own natural healing abilities as you elevate your energy towards co-creating the life that your soul is guiding you towards.

Book via whatsapp on 0722 514049. 

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KISIMA Festival 

Hosted at Beneath the Baobabs in Kilifi, KISIMA festival is a four day celebration for mind, body and soul showcasing Kenya’s brightest wellbeing practitioners to share their gifts with you in workshops and therapies, and spark inspiration with talks and panel discussions. We invite you to ignite your mind, move your body, nourish your soul and explore the joys of your unique humanity.

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Mental Health First aid Course

This training program teaches members of the public how to help a person developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis. Get trained as a mental health first aider and help make a difference in the community by getting informed, aware and confident in how you can help. 


Practitioner of The Week

Mareen Pasedag

Mareen is a holistic healer and medium who works with energy healing on a quantum level. She facilitates tarot card readings, body work, yoga, guided meditations and spiritual life coaching. She has acquired several tools and techniques which she now uses for her intuitive and individually customized work, always putting the well-being of her clients first.

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