Conscious Weekly : Sound Healing, Outdoor Therapy, Women's Circle & 5 Steps to a Thriving Life

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Happy new moon!

We are running a series of mindfulness classes for parents, teachers and children and would love to share with you some inspiration from today's class. 

"The harshest voice we hear sometimes is inside our own head. When we give ourselves a little space from our thoughts, we can see it with more clarity.
As we cultivate a voice from the wisest, kindest part of us, we can grow to trust
ourselves very deeply and over time, the harsh voice loses its power."
 - Orla

Events Coming Up

Breathing & Sound Healing   Sun Mar 13 at 10am

The new moon is a time for introspection, self-care, meditation and retreat inwards to silence - from which you can manifest anything. We will start the Sunday with some Pranayama breathing techniques for relaxing, expanding the lung capacity, detoxing, energizing, balancing & concentrating. You will surely leave feeling lighter.  
Join the Workshop

5 Steps to a Thriving Life 

Tues Mar 16 at 7pm 

Join this free live online workshop to start letting go of limiting beliefs and manifest happiness, ease and abundance into your life. 
Get your free ticket

Equinox Women’s Circle 

21st March from 9:45 am

Awaken the goddess within as you heal, nurture, create and celebrate this equinox together with fellow divine sisters. Come experience Visualisation Mediation, Nature art, a Sacred Water ceremony, Mantras, Music, Dance, Saraswati Goddess ceremony, and more. 

Get your ticket here

The Mountain Within 

 ✨An Outdoor Therapy weekend

A 3-day retreat in one of Kenya’s hidden gems. Spend the long weekend in rustic lakeside chalets exploring nature and connecting to your inner healer. Soothe your spirit with meditation, yoga, hiking, bonfires, sound healing, breathwork, chakra balancing, intuitive energy healing and more.

Join the Retreat

Practitioner of the Week


 Michelle Melo


Crystal Reiki Master & Crystal Healing Therapist

Alongside having a Bachelors Degree in Health Science, Michelle has also been practicing energy healing for over 20 years and is a certified Crystal Reiki Master. She is a strong advocate for Integrative Healing, where one should take care of all facets of their mental, physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. She specializes in working with crystals to bring balance to the overall person and empowers and educates individuals on practices they can do on their own to sustain optimal energetic health. 

Connect with Michelle

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