YP Weekly Schedule
Verses for Morning Revival (6/12 - 6/17)
2023 Summer School of Truth
We will hold the 2023 Summer School of Truth in Dunn Loring from Monday July 31, 2023, 7:00 PM through Lord’s Day, August 6, 2023, 12:00 PM. The registration deadline is Lord's Day, July 2, 2023. The registration fee is $80. Further details are on the SST website: https://sst.mayp.org
Watch! Be Ready! Challenge Reminder: Final activity entries are due on Friday, June 16, 2023. The final feast (lunch) will be held on Lord's Day, June 25. Junior high YP need to collect 135 points and high school YP need 225 points to qualify for the feast. Please check with Frank Park for your current point balance. Here is the link to the activity tracker: https://cidl.org/ypchallenge
(6/14) Tuesday Serving One's Coordination - 7:30 PM
Parents are always welcome to join.
Meeting ID: 224 766 316 Password: 472944 Call-in: 301-715-8592
(6/17) Saturday YP Meeting - 6:00 - 8:30 PM
We will begin with dinner at 6:00 PM at the Dunn Loring Fellowship Hall. Serving Ones - Aaron Yeow, Anthony Hernandez, Wendy Risso, Tammy Cheu
(6/18) Lord's Day Meeting - 10:00 AM
Dunn Loring Serving Ones - Aaron Yeow, Wendy Risso
Much grace, Aaron |