Lord's Day Meeting Information
Dunn Loring
The Dunn Loring YP will join the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking saints at the Meeting Hall for the Lord's Table, starting at 10 AM. Here is the Zoom information for those joining virtually:
https://zoom.us/j/364842149?pwd=OVAxdis4RWw1eTdrTmZYZVYxeXdWZz09 Meting ID: 364 842 149 Password: 526424 Call-in: 301-715-8592
The YP will will stay in the Prophesying meeting after the Lord's Table (there will not be a separate YP meeting.)
The Fairfax YP will join the Fairfax Lord's Table and Prophesying meeting at Green Acres Center, starting at 10 AM. Here is the Zoom information for those joining virtually: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/930322350?pwd=cFIzRld4N1pIQVAzSjRXMjZNbWFxdz09 Meeting ID: 930 322 350 Password: amen Call-in: 929-436-2866 |