YP Weekly Schedule
Verses for Morning Revival (4/4 - 4/9)
2022 Mid-Atlantic Spring YP Conference (4/15-4/16) - The registration deadline is TODAY (April 3, 2022). Further details regarding the conference are in the email sent out earlier: https://archive.sendpul.se/u/NzQ5MzczMw==/7bkin/ Register here: https://forms.gle/2EKEmWcqCxNY8JGj6
(4/5) Tuesday Serving One's Coordination - 7:30 PM
We will have a time of prayer and coordination for all serving ones for the Mid-Atlantic YP Conference. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89562111447?pwd=R0ZacVFUdjBXN1N2ZDV4Vy92RjRlUT09 Meeting ID: 895 6211 1447 Passcode: Jesus! Call-in: 301-715-8592
(4/9) Saturday YP Meeting - 7:30 PM
In Person at the Dunn Loring Meeting Hall and over Zoom
Zoom information will be sent out later this week.
Serving Ones - Frank Park, Anthony Hernandez, Wendy Risso
(4/10) Lord's Day Meetings - 10:00 AM
Dunn Loring - In Person and Zoom
Zoom information will be sent out later this week.
Serving Ones - Frank Park, Wendy Risso
Fairfax - In Person and Zoom
Zoom information will be sent out later this week.
Much grace,
Aaron |