Dunn Loring Young People, Parents, and Serving Ones, During the Dunn Loring Lord's Day YP Meeting, we will begin to cover Journey Through the Bible. This series of books will bring the YP through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, picking up key points, persons, and matters from the Word and applying it to the YP's situation. It presents God's purpose and economy while covering basic matters of experience, truth, character, and separation from Satan's world. The serving ones will present the lesson on LD and the YP will get into the material during the week.
Each book covers 18 weeks of lessons, composed of the lesson outline, verses for morning revival, material for companion group meetings, and a hymn.
We recently covered with the YP, Seven Minutes with the Lord, which we hope will help with having a time with the Lord in the morning. We encourage the YP to use the verses for morning revival in the Journey through the Bible book for pray-reading during their time with the Lord.
Books will be available for purchase starting tonight at the YP meeting. They will be $7 each and a check or cash can be brought or you can pay electronically through Zelle (cidl.offerings@gmail.com). Please let us know if you will not be there tonight, but would like to purchase a book and we can make arrangements to get it to you. Also YP Songbooks are available for purchase for $10.