YP Weekly Schedule Eph. 4:14-15 - That we may be no longer little children tossed by waves and carried about by every wind of teaching in the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error, But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ.
(6/22) Tuesday Serving One's Coordination - 7:30 PM
Parents are always welcome to join. https://zoom.us/j/224766316?pwd=MlM2Ump6bzFXbncyOVdCcXRERTZvQT09 Meeting ID: 224 766 316 Password: 472944 Call-in: 301-715-8592
(6/26) Saturday YP Meeting - 7:30 PM
Zoom information will be sent out later in the week. Serving ones - Immanuel Lee, Aaron Yeow, Lisa Reed, Khalia Rios
(6/27) Lord's Day Meetings - 10:00 AM
Zoom information will be sent out later in the week. Much grace, Aaron |