Lord's Day Meeting Information
Dunn Loring
The Dunn Loring YP will join the Dunn Loring Lord's Table, starting at 9:30 AM followed by Message 4 of the Memorial Day Conference. There will not be a separate YP Prophesying meeting. Please note, this is a different Zoom link than is normally used:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84231589105?pwd=OEtDamEyUGJTY05OSGV4bVhrQ0trQT09 Meeting ID: 842 3158 9105 Passcode: 402928 Dial-in: 301-715-8592
Fairfax will be joining Dunn Loring for the Lord's Table and Memorial Day Conference message, starting at 9:30 AM. The Zoom information is above.