Summer School of Truth Survey

Newsletter Archive

Dear Parents,

This year's Mid-Atlantic Summer School of Truth will again be held virtually during the week of August 1, 2021. We do not know the exact dates or schedule yet, but we will update you as soon as we do. We realize that the pandemic has been especially hard on our young people and that they may not be very excited for another conference/meeting on Zoom. As the number of coronavirus cases continues to decline and more and more people are getting vaccinated (and hopefully many of our YP may be vaccinated by August), we wanted to open a matter to you. We are considering having the Dunn Loring and Fairfax YP gather together in person at the Dunn Loring meeting hall, to participate in the Zoom meetings together. We would still be joined to the other localities and YP through Zoom. We believe this would be a big encouragement and benefit not just for their spiritual well-being, but also for their mental health. We are tentatively thinking that parents could drop their YP off at the hall in the morning (~ 10 AM) and pick them up after the evening meeting (~9:30 PM).

We understand that not all parents would be comfortable with their children participating in person, and those young people would still be able to participate at home. If we were to carry out such a hybrid approach, there would be much to fellowship with you on how we can carry it out in a safe manner. We would like to get a rough idea of how many would be interested in participating physically at the hall and how many would be interested in participating virtually. Please fill out the following form by Wednesday, May 19. This will not lock in your decision and you can change your mind at any time. This is just for our planning purposes.

May the Lord richly bless and gain our young people this summer,




2317 Morgan Lane, Dunn Loring, VA 22027

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