YP schedule for 1/11 thru 1/17

Newsletter Archive

YP Weekly Schedule

 Matt. 16:19 I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on the earth shall have been bound in the heavens, and whatever you loose on the earth shall have been loosed in the heavens.

Col. 3:1 If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 

(1/12) Tuesday Serving One's Coordination - 7:30 PM


Parents are always welcome to join.

Meeting ID: 224 766 316
Password: 472944
Call-in: 301-715-8592

(1/16) Saturday YP Meeting - 7:30 PM

Zoom Meeting information will be sent out later in the week.

Serving Ones: Frank Park, Jackson Lao, Lisa Reed, Hannah Smith

(1/17) Lord's Day Meetings - 10:00 AM

Lord's Day Zoom Meeting information will be sent out later in the week.

Dunn Loring Serving Ones: Frank Park, Lisa Reed, Hannah Smith


Much grace,




CIDL YP (cidlyp@gmail.com)
2317 Morgan Lane, Dunn Loring, VA 22027

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