Lord's Day Meeting Information
Please be prepared to overflow your enjoyment from the Fall YP Conference. Also Daylight Savings ends tonight, so please remember to set your clocks back 1 hour.
Dunn Loring
The Dunn Loring YP will join the Dunn Loring Corporate Lord's Table and Prophesying Meeting, starting at 10 AM: https://zoom.us/j/364842149?pwd=OVAxdis4RWw1eTdrTmZYZVYxeXdWZz09 Meting ID: 364 842 149 Password: 526424 Call-in: 301-715-8592
The Fairfax YP will join the Fairfax Lord's Day meeting and Prophesying meeting, starting at 10 AM. https://zoom.us/j/930322350?pwd=SVdvQ0tYLytUWU5xUTZTSElrcytmQT09 Meeting ID: 930 322 350 Password: 265865 Call-in: 929-436-2866