YP Weekly Schedule
Pray for the YP conference and pray for one another. May the Lord have a free way to speak to each one of us.
Tuesday Serving One's Coordination - 7:30 PM
Parents are always welcome to join. https://zoom.us/j/224766316?pwd=MlM2Ump6bzFXbncyOVdCcXRERTZvQT09 Meeting ID: 224 766 316 Password: 472944 Call-in: 301-715-8592
Friday / Saturday - YP Conference
Fall YP conference. Please visit website (https://fallconf.mayp.org/) for schedule and details.
Lord's Day Meeting/YP Conference
Lord's Day / Fall YP conference. Please visit website (https://fallconf.mayp.org/) for schedule and details. Much grace, Jackson |