
Newsletter Archive

Struggling to book a Covid Booster shot?


If you're like me, I have been looking online using the MN Vaccine Locater and have not able to book an online appointment at pharmacies like CVS, Cub, or Walgreens until another two weeks at the earliest. On campus, resources like Boynton Health and Campus Clinics are fully booked online until January.  As the holidays are closely approaching, I am eager to get my booster shot, so I have time to allow my body to build immunity over the next two weeks.

Recently, I know students have met success with walk-ins (call ahead to make sure the location accepts walk-ins), as well as online scheduling through CVS Minute Clinics. I was able to go to Hennepin County Public Health Clinic in downtown Minneapolis (next to the Armory) as a walk-in, with the option to receive any of the three vaccines. I had to register, but the entire process only took 30 minutes. I ended up getting a $50 gift card too!

Best of luck navigating booster appointments and stay safe, y'all! Pandemic fatigue is real, but the best way for you to help and do your part is to be vaccinated. We are part of the solution, and we will get through this.

MN Vaccine Locator
MN Vaccine Hunters
CVS Minute Clinics


Norm Ornstein and Keith Ellison on Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System December 6, 11:15 - 1 PM. Register Here.

Strategies for Supporting Physical Activity and Wellbeing Among Youth and the Young at Heart December 9, 12 - 1 PM. Register Here.

Cannabis Use and Mental Health Risk December 10, 12 - 1 PM. Register Here.

LEARN | CDC Results on Mix and Match Booster Shots

The CDC recommends everyone 18 years old and older should get a booster shot after 6 months after receiving your second dose of Pfizer/Moderna or 2 months after receiving J&J. Interested in learning more about the mix and match study? Check out the results below. 
Powerpoint Summary
Prelimary Report
Get The Booster

ACT | Covid Booster Shots

How is the Covid caseload expected to change as the second winter of the pandemic draws closer? This depends on three key factors: how our current immunity holds up, how the virus itself changes, and how we behave. Currently, all adults over 18 in Minnesota are recommended to get their Covid booster.

Covid Winter Projections

GIVE | Donate Blood or Platelets

There is an urgent need for blood during this public health crisis. Consider donating blood or platelets to help those in the hospital. Visit the American Red Cross for information and donation sites.


Contact Info

CEMS SOAR is open to all undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. 

Visit Website
Email SOAR


Stay Safe MN [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://grhsonline.org/touching-lives/covid-19-vaccinations/

Vaccine Card [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.today.com/health/everything-you-need-know-about-getting-covid-19-booster-t235564

Covid-19 Booster Shot [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.wdio.com/coronavirus/all-adult-minnesotans-eligible-covid-19-vaccine-boosters/6307316/

American Red Cross [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/press-release/detail/5623/American-Red-Cross

This email was sent to all CEMS subscribers by student group CEMS SOAR located at Amundson Hall 421 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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