
Newsletter Archive

Mental Health During the Winter Months

UMN winter
sad snowman

As we enter our second winter in a pandemic, prioritizing our mental health is more important than ever before. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects around 10 million Americans and is 4 times as likely to occur in women than men. It is characterized by changes in appetite and sleep, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and a feeling of helplessness.

Learn More


Bakken Center Mindfulness Programs Information Session December 1, 12 - 1 PM. Register Here.

ECHO Workshops: Spring Enrollment December 1. Register Here.

Norm Ornstein and Keith Ellison on Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System December 6, 11:15 - 1 PM. Register Here.

Strategies for Supporting Physical Activity and Wellbeing Among Youth and the Young at Heart December 9, 12 - 1 PM. Register Here.

Cannabis Use and Mental Health Risk December 10, 12 - 1 PM. Register Here.

LEARN | Do light boxes really help against SAD?

SAD lamps simulate sunlight in order to produce serotonin and alleviate symptoms of depression. They can also regulate circadian rhythms for better sleep. An alternative is a dawn simulator, which wakes the user up with a gradually increasing light.
Learn More
Get The Booster

ACT | Covid Booster Shots

How is the Covid caseload expected to change as the second winter of the pandemic draws closer? This depends on three key factors: how our current immunity holds up, how the virus itself changes, and how we behave. Currently, all adults over 18 in Minnesota are recommended to get their Covid booster.

Covid Winter Projections

GIVE | Minnesota Homeless Fund

Over 1600 Minnesotans sleep outside in the cold during the winter. The Minnesota Homeless Fund aims to increase shelter options and give financial aid to people with out shelter.


Contact Info

CEMS SOAR is open to all undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. 

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[Image] https://www.pinterest.com/UMNpins/umn-winter-wonderland/

[Image] https://www.calgaryschild.com/health-and-safety/mental-health/1191-how-to-beat-the-winter-blues



[Image] https://www.twincities.com/2019/12/19/minnesota-touts-new-fund-to-provide-shelter-for-homeless/

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