
Newsletter Archive

Moving Mental Health Equity to the Forefront 


The results from the 2021 gradSERU survey are now available. Of the 98 Chemical Engineering respondents and 42 Materials Science respondents, roughly 1 in 4 PhD students in the Department feel lonely, nervous, anxious, on edge, or are unable to stop worrying more than half the time during a week or nearly every day.   

Supporting students and their mental health is crucial to their success. We must also acknowledge that racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often are far more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety; therefore, more transparency in mental health resources available in the Department and at UMN would be beneficial.

CEMS now has designated Mental Health Advocates. Mental Health Advocates are trained to help connect students with resources and to serve as a contact for mental health concerns related, or unrelated, to work. These advocates are a great resource to discuss topics like advisor issues, workplace dynamics, and other environmental issues that may be affecting your mental health at work and beyond.

Advancing health equity involves ensuring that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Check out the resource links below to understand more about behavior health equity and disparities that affect diverse populations.

Behavioral Health Equity
Identity and Cultural Dimensions
Mental Health Disparities

Attend this Mental Health Webinar:

Student to Student: Advocacy and Peer Initiatives to Strengthen Graduate Student Mental Health

This interactive webinar will focus on student-led initiatives to broaden mental health support access for STEM graduate students. Organizers of successful mental health initiatives for STEM graduates will describe the process for launching their programs, and the impacts of those programs on their campus. The panel will also provide advice to other students who want to launch similar initiatives, and to the STEM community in general on how it can better support the mental health of graduate students.

Register for Webinar on Nov. 3 @ 2-3:30 PM

Navigating Challenging Conversations OED Training

This workshop addresses one of the most significant aspects of equity and diversity work: navigating challenging conversations. In each of our on-going developmental paths around equity, diversity, and social justice, we will find ourselves in more situations that call for self-reflection, careful listening, nuanced language, and thoughtful questions. This workshop offers an introduction on how to develop skills in the following areas: noticing and naming our own triggers and activation, developing nuance in our understanding of our intentions, and developing empathy and active listening skills when we impact others.

Register for Training on Nov. 3 @ 10-12 PM


PAWS at RecWell - Stanley the Cat Nov 1, 12-2 PM. RecWell 4th floor, Room MP6

PAWS at Coffman Memorial Union Nov 3, 4-6 PM. CMU 3rd floor, Mississippi Room

SOAR Workshop OED Training: Navigating Challenging Conversations Nov 3, 10-12 PM RSVP here.

Student to Student: Advocacy and Peer Initiatives to Strengthen Graduate Student Mental Health Nov 3, 2-3:30 PM. Register here.

The Relationship between Climate Change and Health and What We Can Do About It Nov 4, 12-1 PM. Register here.

LEARN | CEMS Mental Health Webpage

Check out CEMS Health and Safety Page! CEMS students have a large support network around them in the resources provided on this page. Additionally, Mental Health Advocates are available to help connect students with resources or be a point of contact for mental health concerns related or unrelated to work.
CEMS Mental Health Safety

ACT | Boynton Health's PAWS

Treat yourself to a Boynton Health's PAWS (Pet Away Worry & Stress) session that features registered therapy animal teams—including dogs, bunnies, cats, chickens and other therapy animals as available. Sessions are FREE and open to the University of Minnesota community. Click the link below to find out more and sync the PAWS Google Calendar.


GIVE | National Alliance on Mental Illness 

NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI works to educate, advocate, listen, and lead to improve the lives of people with mental illness and their loved ones.


Contact Info

CEMS SOAR is open to all undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. 

Visit Website
Email SOAR


Mental Health Is Isn't [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://sites.widener.edu/caps/mental-health-video-library/

Let's Talk [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://twin-cities.umn.edu/news-events/wide-array-mental-health-resources

PAWS [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://twin-cities.umn.edu/news-events/popular-paws-continues-grow

NAMI [Online Image, Text]. Retrieved from https://www.nami.org/About-NAMI

This email was sent to all CEMS subscribers by student group CEMS SOAR located at Amundson Hall 421 Washington Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55455. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

The views expressed in this newsletter do not reflect the views of the University of Minnesota or of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CEMS).

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