
Newsletter Archive

"I'm not racist!" But are you anti-racist?

To address the long-standing, systemic forms of racial prejudice in America, we cannot simply be "not racist." We need to be actively anti-racist. Being anti-racist involves action on the part of the individual, such as identifying racial inequities and disparities in your own community, confronting racist ideas you have or still hold, understanding the intersectionality of race with other aspects of identity, and supporting organizations who champion antiracist ideas and policies. Attend the Distinguished Carlson Lecture featuring Prof. Ibram X. Kendi to learn more on what it means to be anti-racist.


Prof. Ibram X. Kendi, author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller, How to Be an Antiracist, and the director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, will join MPR news host Angela Davis for a virtual discussion regarding antiracism and equity on September 30, 2020 at 6 p.m. CDT. Click the button below to register for the event. Click here to follow the research from the Center for Antiracism on twitter.

Register Here


Gender, Human Rights, and COVID-19 September 30, 2020 at 1pm. Register here.


From now until November 3, we will be providing voting resources to help get you registered and help you make a plan for voting this fall! Also, tune in next week for our voting focused newsletter.

  • Tune in here to register to vote, check registration, and sign up for vote by mail regardless of what state you are voting in.
  • state-by-state guide to voting during COVID-19
  • Learn who is running for major offices in Minnesota and where they stand on the issues from the 2020 Minnesota Election Guide


Voices for Racial Justice (VRJ) is a movement organization of leaders, organizers and culture workers who envision a world without racism honoring the culture, knowledge, power, and healing of Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. They are committed to building power through collective cultural and healing strategies for racial justice across Minnesota using organizing, leadership training, community policy and research.

Give to VRJ


The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NCAAP) is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race. African-Americans in the United States have faced systemic racism and routine brutalization. Take action to fight for their equality by signing NAACP petitions or volunteer to contact members of your community and encourage them to vote.

Take Action


Kendi, director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, asserts in his book that being "not racist" is not enough, we need to be actively anti-racist. Being anti-racist, as Kendi describes, involves action on the part of the individual, such as identifying racial inequities and disparities in your own community, confronting racist ideas you have or still hold, understanding the intersectionality of race with other aspects of identity, and supporting organizations who champion antiracist ideas and policies.

Ibram X. Kendi Website

Contact Info

CEMS SOAR is open to all undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. 

CEMS SOAR website | cems-soar@umn.edu

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Voss, Stephen. Ibram X. Kendi. [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.ibramxkendi.com/about

Voices for Racial Justice Logo. [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/voices4rj?lang=en

NAACP Logo. [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/ibbixmb_transparent-naacp-logo-png-png-download/

How to be an antiracist. [Online Image]. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/How-Be-Antiracist-Ibram-Kendi-ebook/dp/B07D2364N5

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