Peter Tongue Insights - October 2024

Newsletter Archive

October 2024

Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS

A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey


Gene Keys Consultations, 
Spiritual Counselling, & Energy Attunements 
with Zia

Sessions Available 
in-person in Victoria,

or via phone or Skype

Public Meditations
in Victoria BC
Zoom Only right now
Mondays at 6:30 pm 

Visit my website
for details


Happy October!

There's a chill in the air as Autumn begins. As the leaves fall, we let go of what no longer serves us, create a new space as we enter into our inner journey, and shine our lights from the inside out. Nourishing soups are the order of the day along with time spent in quiet contemplation. 

Enjoy the harvest of your endeavors over the last nine months! It's going to be a powerful month of purification! Love, Pete


From Shambles to Shambala

October 2024 Energy Update - "Eclipse Energies!"

We are just completing Eclipse season and the Equinox was squeezed in between. These eclipses are then followed by another powerful Full Moon in mid October!


Zia and I are still offering in-person and distance healing sessions to anyone interested locally or globally. 

My Gene Keys Consulting sessions are still available through Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. 

Monday Meditations

I am continuing with the long-distance zoom connection on Mondays at 6:30 pm Pacific. The zoom meditation is open to anyone who wishes to attend from around the globe. Please send an email to for further information.

We are now doing in-person Thursday morning meditations, limited to 8 people, and by invitation only to those who were previously involved.

Radio Shows

On Wednesday October 9th at 10.00am Pacific, I return to the Mundane to Magical Summit with Lou Matson who is always a great host. We will be basking in the afterglow of Eclipse season to see what has been illuminated for us and where it is taking us! Sign up for free here.

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to  continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at 


Click here for your FREE Gene Keys Profile

Sign up for the 

Gene Keys Golden Path Program


Synchronicity Rules!

by Peter Tongue

The energies continue to be intense as we move into this crunch time on the planet with everyone vying for control. It is important to not get bogged down in the mire of discontent. It is only temporary and remember it is going to end well, although it may not look like it at this moment. It is really important to keep your head up on the higher vision that you truly want for yourself, your family, friends, the collective of humanity, and the Earth itself. We have the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd to support us in this new vision. Amazingly, one of our number is going to be on Easter Island for the event to witness the Annular “Ring of Fire” Solar Eclipse. The Sun will emerge from behind the Moon in a higher expression of itself to support us on the next phase of our journey. So, let’s focus on the wonderful things that are happening!

It seems remarkable that whatever positive World events are taking place, we have representatives there to hold space for our soul tribe at those events. The Synchronicity taking place is magical. A really simple example took place at our most recent Node Point gathering on the Equinox. We had 29 people attend, including a person who was with Rory Duff in Ireland for the 8:8:8 Ceremony on the Hill of Tara and other sacred sites there. We reminded people that when you gather on these node points in sacred circle on these most powerful days, a group synchronicity begins to build. Zia invited each person to state their name and the quality they were bringing to the circle. As we went around the circle, people adjacent to each other in the circle had the same word. At least four pairs of the same quality!


Rory Duff just put out a very full, intense Newsletter and all the information we need is in there for the next phase of our evolution. One of the key aspects is the need for us to purify ourselves so that we can receive powerful support from the subtle realms. He also indicated that the rhythmic resonance of the ley lines and vortexes is going to continue in alignment until November 24th! That is a very significant time as Pluto will have finally moved out of Capricorn into Aquarius. The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is activated, and this is the Gene Key alignment to the Age of Aquarius and Richard Rudd will be holding his Retreat on that weekend. A very powerful time! There is a Divine plan in action here and we just have to get out of the way and go with the flow, following these magical synchronicities!

Another huge shift has begun which has been demonstrated to me through a number of recent sessions. We have been striving to reach beyond the 3-D world for much of our lives and now an inversion is taking place. People are spontaneously opening up to the 5-D bliss states in their experience and finding it difficult to be in the 3-D. It is the great Cosmic joke. And the joke is on us. What we have been striving for is now opening up, but it creates a new challenge for us to face. Our day-to-day mundane lives can appear to be irrelevant once you have had that ecstatic experience. How do we come back from it into daily life? It is going to be happening to more and more of us and so we need to be ready to deal with it. This was one of the biggest challenges Richard had after his first Ecstatic experience. The choice is to become a hermit and go off and live in isolation in this ongoing state of bliss or do I return to life as what he calls the Householder, committing to family and contributing to the good of the community. Thank goodness he made that decision! It is really important that we offer each other mutual support as this awakening consciousness opens up.


It is difficult to put into words what this is like for people. You might be contemplating a wound that you are carrying on behalf of your ancestral lineage or yourself and you might be in the pain and suffering of that wound. By embracing it, there is a sudden shift out of the shadow and into the gift. The Gene Key involved is alive within you transmuting spontaneously and now you can detach from the suffering to see the benefit it has brought to you. You create space inside you for the shift to take place and in the end you just want to laugh! As Richard constantly says, “Every shadow contains a gift!” We realize in the end that the shadows are actually our best friends, because they show us what we need to see!

Another important date this month is the Full Moon on Thursday October 17th at 24 degrees of Aries. It is in the formation of a Cardinal Grand Cross which is always a powerful initiating energy and on this occasion is made even more powerful by its constituent elements. The Sun is in Libra opposite the Moon in Aries both in a square aspect to Mars in Cancer opposing Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn now in direct motion. We could see some sparks flying around this time! Hang on to your hats and remain calm and peaceful!


Just a reminder, tremendous support is available to us right now. Oracle Girl is currently doing her October immersion, immediately followed by Reawaken London on November 2nd & & 3rd, all assisting in Purifying the energies that need to be transmuted.

Richard Rudd of the Gene Keys will be in the exact same location in downtown London for a Retreat on November 23rd & 24th, where he will be speaking in great depth about The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human. That’s us!          

Have a great month and take heart. All is - and will be - well!


This month's images courtesy of Zia

© Peter Tongue • 956 Kinglet Place Victoria, BC V9C 0B4
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