Peter Tongue Insights - August 2024

Newsletter Archive

August 2024

Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS

A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey


Gene Keys Consultations, 
Spiritual Counselling, & Energy Attunements 
with Zia

Sessions Available 
in-person in Victoria,

or via phone or Skype

Public Meditations
in Victoria BC
Zoom Only right now
Mondays at 6:30 pm 

Visit my website
for details


Happy August!

The first few days of August correspond with the Cross Quarter Day of Lughnasadh, the mid-point between Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox.

This is a time of celebrating the first harvest, particularly of the fruits and early crops. 

It is also a time of playful games in the Sun - not so much in competition, but just for the fun of it - like playful lion cubs. So have some fun in the sun this month and enjoy this vibrant time! 



From Shambles to Shambala

August 2024 Energy Update - "Venus Returns!"

This is going to be an action-packed month with powerful energies and unexpected surprises. In this energy update, Peter explains the most significant events including the New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Aquarius and Mercury turning retrograde. Lots going on this month so stay calm and centred!


Zia and I are still offering in-person and distance healing sessions to anyone interested locally or globally. 

My Gene Keys Consulting sessions are still available through Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. 

Monday Meditations

I am continuing with the long-distance zoom connection on Mondays at 6:30 pm Pacific. The zoom meditation is open to anyone who wishes to attend from around the globe. Please send an email to for further information.

We are now doing in-person Thursday morning meditations, limited to 8 people, and by invitation only to those who were previously involved.

Radio Shows

No radio shows this month! 

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to  continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at 


Click here for your FREE Gene Keys Profile

Sign up for the 

Gene Keys Golden Path Program


The 888 Lion's Gate Portal

by Peter Tongue

August this year appears to be a particularly powerful time, focused on the changes we need to make in our lives to fulfill our Divine Destiny, and the planetary alignments seem to be forcing us in new directions. Changes are inevitable and it is how we manage those changes that will make them easy or challenging.

The month begins with Lughnasa, as mentioned in the Welcome message. Celebrated on August 1st, it is actually the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox at 15 degrees of Leo, which won’t occur until August 6th this year. This means it will encompass the New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4th. This is the first of the powerful set of energies as the Sun and Moon come together, inviting us to shine our brightest light out in the World and set clear, creative new intentions for our true passions in life.

However, on the same day, Mercury turns retrograde at 4 degrees of Virgo. This is asking us to review the details of what has gone before and make any refinements to our plans and make sure we haven’t missed anything. Mercury will go back into Leo on August 14th and won’t go forward until August 28th, so it is really important to slow down and check everything to do with communication, travel plans, and technology this month.


Perhaps the most significant event during this first week in August is the reappearance of Venus in the evening sky. She passed behind the Sun and became invisible for a few weeks and now she makes her presence known. She returns conjunct Regulus in the heart of the Leo constellation, square with Uranus in Taurus and trine to Chiron in Aries. She brings the Light and Wisdom of the sacred feminine, reclaiming the connection to our hearts and true passions in life. Expect the unexpected in our relationships, money and personal values which made need refinement.

 We are in particularly powerful times as on July 26th, the 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate began to open; it reaches its peak on the 8:8:8 and then closes on August 12th. A triple 8 this year as it is an 8 year, 2024 (2+0+2+4=8). This period is when Sirius, our spiritual sun, and the Sun, our physical sun, rise together at dawn, creating the opportunity for us to come into perfect alignment with sprit and matter. It is a time of accelerated awakening and higher consciousness as new light codes come streaming into our World. This happens in the sign of Leo where we benefit from the strength and empowerment within the heart of the lion! There is a great potential for Mastery of spirit over matter, in a wonderful playful co-creative dance!


Patricia Cota-Robles has hosted the Annual World Congress on Illumination for 38 years and this is going to be her very last one. The purpose was to awaken humanity to the event Called Harmonic Convergence which took place on August 17th, 1987. It was a Star of David formation in the night sky which was heralded as the beginning of the Shift of the Ages and many of my generation woke up during this time. Richard Rudd mentions it as part of the threefold Awakening sequence of Humanity, 1987, 2012 and 2027!

I have attended the World Congress on a number of occasions and Patti brings through a beautiful and pure transmission which we should honour her for. Her incredible dedication and commitment to raising the frequency of humanity through this critical period in history.

Fortunately for this final event, Patti is making some of the Congress available free online.

The Virtual World Congress will begin on Saturday, August 10th.  This year, for our final World Congress, we will broadcast the entire opening ceremony (August 10th, 7 pm Pacific) and closing ceremony (August 15th, 9 am Pacific).  Each day, Sunday through Wednesday, August 11th through August 14th, it will be for one-hour, starting at 9 am Pacific Time.   During this Live Online Virtual event, the Company of Heaven will reveal our Mission and what the next step of our Divine Plan is for the day.  Go to and click on the "Virtual Registration" link.


Another major energetic series of events take place on Monday August 19th for the Full Moon in Aquarius. Many will remember the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on the winter Solstice in 2020 and now they come into a precise T-Square with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. This makes change inevitable, letting go of expectations with new potentials possible. It is a major choice point. At the same time, the Full Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo form a T-Square with Uranus in Taurus. Anything could happen! We need to stay calm and centred, standing in our own truth with potential chaos all around us. At the same time wonderful opportunities abound.

The month closes with Venus moving into Libra trine to Pluto about to retrograde into Capricorn the next day. This is a wonderful aspect for Venus, transforming her into a higher expression of herself and providing the opportunity for us to strengthen our relationships.

An amazing synchronicity occurred earlier this month when Richard Rudd announced that he was going to be hosting a Gene Key Retreat in London at the Friends House (Quaker) on the weekend of November 23/24th. Within days, Oracle Girl announced she was going to be hosting a Retreat in London on November 2nd/3rd and when I saw the image on her newsletter, it was the same location as Richard. Synchronicity is calling us!

Have a great month!


This month's images courtesy of Zia

© Peter Tongue • 956 Kinglet Place Victoria, BC V9C 0B4
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