Peter Tongue Insights - March 2023

Newsletter Archive

March 2023

Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS

A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey


Gene Keys Consultations, 
Spiritual Counselling, & Energy Attunements 
with Zia

Sessions Available 
in-person in Victoria,

or via phone or Skype

Public Meditations
in Victoria BC
Zoom Only right now
Mondays at 6:30 pm 

Visit my website
for details


Happy March!

March kicks off with the celebration of St. David's Day - the Red Dragon of Wales, the Daffodil, and all of the vibrant colors returning to our lovely Victoria landscape.

The second Holy Day of the month is the Emerald Green of St. Patrick's Day - March 17th. Look out for fairies, elves, leprechauns, and the gold at the end of the Rainbow!

Last but not least, we have the Vernal Equinox on March 20th, which calls us from our winter caves to be out in nature and the warming weather. 

Have fun this month!  Love, Pete


From Shambles to Shambala

March 2023 Energy Update ~ "Heaven's Cross"

With signs of Spring and bouts of Winter abounding, we are moving towards a wonderful opportunity to raise our frequency beyond where it has ever been. This month, we are in the final preparations to receive these powerful energies on the Spring Equinox!



Zia and I are still offering in-person and distance healing sessions to anyone interested locally or globally. 

My Gene Keys Consulting sessions are still available through Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. 

Monday Meditations

I am continuing with the long-distance zoom connection on Mondays at 6:30 pm Pacific. The zoom meditation is open to anyone who wishes to attend from around the globe. Please send an email to for further information.

We have begun in-person Thursday morning meditation, limited to 8 people, and by invitation only to those who were previously involved.

Radio Shows

I am returning to the Cari Murphy Show on Monday March 6th at 11am Pacific. With all that is happening in the month of March, it should be an action packed show Sign up for free here I hope you will join us!

An amazing and serendipitous opportunity has come up for me to be a guest on a Retreat called Expanding Consciousness right on the Spring Equinox with a line up of exceptional speakers including Patricia Cota-Robles as the keynote speaker and also including Grandmother Chandra. There is an introductory video from the two hosts Lauren Galey and Laurie Reyon through this link.

My interview will be on Saturday March 18th at 11.00am Pacific. You can sign up for free here.

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to  continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at 


Click here for your FREE Gene Keys Profile

Sign up for the 

Gene Keys Golden Path Program


Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation!

by Peter Tongue

Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation was the name of my radio show on Voice America, which I hosted for over 5 years (2009-2014), doing over 250 interviews with some of the most evolved spiritual people of the time. Little did I realize that title would lead to exactly what is happening on the planet today! You can still check out most of the interviews on my website

I do believe that the month of March is going to be a critical turning point in our journey into higher consciousness. Not long ago, I received a channeling from the Crimson Circle via Geoffrey Hoppe of St. Germain. The message was that humanity had reached the level of consciousness necessary for Heaven’s Cross to unfold. This is the Apocalypse, or Great Revealing, where the truth will be revealed and we will have access to other realms and dimensions. It will be the end of the old World Order, setting humanity free. The greatest challenge would be accepting this greater awareness of our multi-dimensional self and anchoring the fifth-dimensional energies into the Earth plane. According to this message, Heaven’s Cross is due to unveil on March 22nd! Here is a link to a question-and-answer session on it. Use your own discretion.


We are not going to leave the planet. Mother Earth is going through this transformation with us, and we need to become one with her through this process. The channel also said that beings from across the veil would be available to help us ground the fifth-dimension energies into form. I don’t know how accurate this information is, but it is worth knowing - just in case it does, in fact, occur!

There are other factors pointing to this powerful transformation taking place around the Spring Equinox between March 20th and 25th. The Spring Equinox has always been a likely time for the shift to occur when the planet is in perfect harmonious balance and the seeds of newness can be sown. During that week, the Gene Key illuminated by the Sun will be the 25th Gene Key, which has the Siddhi of Universal Love, once we can accept all that has happened in our lives. It has been set up for our success now, so long as we can let go of any past toxic experiences.


There are two other major transits occurring during the month. On March 8th, Saturn moves out of Aquarius into Pisces. My belief is that Saturn, representing the old structures, has held us back from stepping into the new Age of Aquarius and now must deal with the unstructured Pisces, which could even dissolve away those old Patriarchal beliefs and limitations placed upon us. In addition, Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on March 23rd a great relief from grinding out the transformation of the old ways. These two major transits herald a potentially wonderful step forward into freedom.

During this period in March, the two most important Gene Keys have their annual activation. The 22nd Gene Key is the involutionary journey down and in to release all of the old wounds that we carry, based upon our life traumas and the ancestral wounds that we carry.

The 55th Gene Key is the evolutionary journey of the activation of our DNA. We are becoming a new evolutionary species, Homo Luminous. We are going through an inner transformation into this more awake and aware state. It is important to be kind and gentle with yourself as we go through this transmutation, taking time to practice self-care: nurturing, nourishing, and relaxing.


We don’t have to do anything in particular to prepare ourselves for this awakening. We are already doing the necessary inner work and it simply needs us to be open to receive what becomes available to us; so just relax, enjoy the ride, and trust the Universal Intelligent life force that is flowing through us and for us.

There is a spectacular opening to the month, which some may have already seen. Venus and Jupiter are coming into a very close conjunction on March 1st/2nd on the western horizon in the dusk sky. In the last week of February, the Moon joined them in an amazing sight as they approached each other.

This is a most beneficial conjunction, bringing all of our good karma home to roost. Beautiful things are attracted to us, including love, money, and harmonious relationships, so let us enjoy the benefits of these two majestic planets, joining forces for good on the first days of the month!


A Special Treat - Richard Rudd on YouTube! 

When working with the Gene keys, we tend to focus on the profile and its dynamics and processes. In this recent YouTube video Richard takes us back to the origins of how the transmission came about, the connection to the I Ching and the magnificence of the DNA in our bodies. This is a refreshing reminder of our true Divine nature as our Awakening takes place. Perfect timing!


This month's photos courtesy of Aaron Burden, Arno Smit, & Zia.

© Peter Tongue • 956 Kinglet Place Victoria, BC V9C 0B4
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