Join me on Soul Talk with Patty MalekAMERICA'S PLUTO RETURN Wednesday, January 12th, 2022 - 2pm PST, 5 PM EST One of the most significant events of this year and an absolutely crucial one for the United States is the precise Pluto return taking place in February 2022. I will explain the huge significance of this and the key Gene Keys involved.
We will give an energetic update of what is taking place on the planet at this time and I will also be answering Gene Keys-related questions.
Both Venus and Mercury are moving in retrograde motion through Capricorn until the end of the month and we will discuss the best way to utilize these energies.
From the Gene Keys perspective, the New Year starts on January 22nd when the 41st Start Codon gets illuminated by the Sun. It is time for a new Beginning! Hope you can join us! Love, Pete |