Peter Tongue Insights - November 2021

Newsletter Archive

November 2021

Peter Tongue ~ inSIGHTS

A monthly newsletter to assist you on your Awakening Journey


Gene Keys Consultations, 
Spiritual Counselling, & Energy Attunements 
with Zia

Sessions Available 
in-person in Victoria,

or via phone or Skype

Public Meditations
in Victoria BC
Zoom Only right now
Mondays at 6:30 pm 

Visit my website
for details


Happy November!

This is the season of Samhain, time to go within as the days get darker. Time to do inner work, shining our bright inner light out into the World!  We have some wonderful planetary alignments to assist us in this rapidly-evolving time! See the main article below.

In Victoria, we seem to have Autumn and Spring running simultaneously this year. As leaves fall, flowers are also blossoming in a few places. Zia has captured some of them for the newsletter. Enjoy!


From Shambles to Shambala

November 2021 Energy Update - "Phoenix Rising"

Things are looking much brighter for November as we emerge from a rather intense October. With the Full Moon lunar eclipse this month, it's time to ground the new energies and focus on creating the new world as old structures continue to crumble. The alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus in Aquarius during American Thanksgiving takes place in the 34th Gene Key, all about the Phoenix rising. Take heart, and keep shining!



Zia and I are still offering in-person and distance healing sessions to anyone interested locally or globally. 

My Gene Keys Consulting sessions are still available through Zoom, Skype, or over the phone. 

Monday Meditations

We have resumed in-person Thursday meditations in Victoria, by invitation only, to those regulars from before restrictions were imposed. I am also continuing with the long-distance zoom connection on Mondays at 6:30 pm Pacific. The zoom meditation is open to anyone who wishes to attend from around the globe. Please send an email to for further information.

Radio Shows

I had a fantastic zoom chat with Lou Matson on her summit Mundane to Magical on Wednesday October 6th.
I also returned to the Patty Malek showSoul Talk, on Monday October 11th.

Gene Keys Consulting with Peter

I'm  committed to  continuing my work with one-on-one Gene Key sessions, which have proven to be profound experiences for many. I also work with groups or businesses who are starting out on a new venture. I look at the profile of each team member, the birth profile of the company/project, and how those involved can best work together while bringing their individual gifts to the fore in a wonderful co-creative fashion. 

This process has fantastic potential for maximizing efficiency and success. Projects often fail because of the challenges that arise through human ego and shadow, and this process can reveal what those potential challenges could be before they arise. This process can also be used to resolve issues that may already exist within an organization.


Click here for your FREE Gene Keys Profile

Sign up for the 

Gene Keys Golden Path Program

If you're interested in a personal Gene Keys session or a group profile reading, please send me an email at   


Seeding the New You!
by Peter Tongue

October has been a particularly challenging month, with further polarization, division, and fear-based propaganda, putting everyone on edge into a deep sense of exhaustion. When is this going to end?

The month of November has some very promising astrological aspects to it and aligned with the corresponding Gene Keys could lead to a significant breakthrough for the good.

The end of October goes through some dark energies with the two Gene Keys of the Ring of the Illuminati, the 50th and the 44th shadows book-ending the 28th Gene Key of the deepest darkest fears we can have. The perfect recipe for a horror movie, which we have been living in!

After Hallowe’en, we emerge out into the 44th Gene Key, where we can now move beyond the corruption and interference patterns of the shadows of the 50th and 44th Gene Keys and into the Harmony and Synarchy of the Siddhis of those Gene Keys. This is our own deep inner work, to make sure we have no residual corruption in our own lives or conditioned programming in our beliefs. This is how we set ourselves free and see what is truly happening from the bigger picture perspective!


Immediately after, still in the 44th Gene Key, we have the New Moon in Scorpio on Thursday November 4th at 2.15pm PDT. The New Moon is precisely opposite Uranus in Taurus which indicates the potential for shocks and surprises and the light shining on big player secrets,

This New Moon begins the Eclipse season which happens along the Scorpio/Taurus axis for the next two years with a powerful total Solar Eclipse on Friday December 3rd.

We are being asked during this time to take stock of what we have completed and need to let go of before stepping into the New Earth. There may be aspects of our life that have served us well in the past, but now need to be set free. The Taurus energy will tend to want to hang on, while the Scorpio energy will go for transformation and living in the mystery. Uranus in Taurus will bring in the piercing Sword of Truth to assist us. These are intense times! This is the transformation into the New You!

Every year the 11:11 Portal Gateway provides the opportunity for an upgrade to our consciousness by stepping through the 11:11 Pillars of Light. This takes place in the 43rd Gene Key of the Epiphany, which enables us to download accurate information from Source, once we can still our minds and listen deeply to our intuition, and then follow through with the insights that we have received. Our role is to anchor these higher frequencies of light through ourselves and into Mother Earth!


We have a special and rare Lunar Eclipse on Friday November 19th with the Full Moon at 27 degrees of Taurus which is conjunct the Pleiades constellation making it a Galactic connection. It is rare because it is an almost total Lunar Eclipse with only two percent of the Moon remaining out of the Earth’s shadow.

The last Lunar Eclipse of this type was over 500 years ago. My own interpretation of this, symbolically, is that no matter what is done on Earth, the light cannot be extinguished and all lightworkers on the planet can take heed from this! What’s more, this almost total Lunar Eclipse takes place in the 14th Gene Key which has the unique Siddhi of the “Midas Touch”. Everything we touch turns to Gold!

The Gold Frequency is the key to this next level of evolution stepping into the New Golden Age and so this is the time to work with the fifth-dimensional liquid Gold flow in all that we do and it will take us to the next level of awakening!


Finally, and significantly, on American Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, there is a beautiful alignment, visible in the early evening night sky involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. Looking deeply into those three planets together, we can set the tone for the Total Solar Eclipse to come one week later, focusing on building the new structure of the New Earth (Saturn), following our highest values (Venus) in the most expansive form we can imagine (Jupiter). This alignment takes place in the 34th Gene Key which is the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes. We are clearly in the Ashes right now and its time to transform and rise!

It is going to be an intense month with some wonderful opportunities. Please do stay calm and centered and stand your ground!


This month's photos courtesy of Zia

© Peter Tongue • 956 Kinglet Place Victoria, BC V9C 0B4
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