CPN184 An Indoctrinated Public, Fooled by a Transparent Hoax, Accept Economic Destruction

Newsletter Archive
The Constitution Party was formerly the Democratic Republican Party
registered with the Electoral Commission in 2012
Saturday 04 April 20
Leader and Founder, Peter Kellow, writes




For those of us, who for some years have recognised that we are not controlled by politicians but by an elite superclass that through astronomic wealth dictates what how we are governed, there is no difficulty in recognising that the COVID19 panic is manufactured.
It falls into an established pattern.
For others it seems like a randomly occuring event unconnected to any larger picture or trend.
The global elite have an agenda that bears no relation to that of normal people, who work in the productive economy, whether as employees or "capitalist entrepreneurs".
But what those, who do recognise the activities of the elite usually do not understand, is how it is different and why it has an inverted morality where suffering and war have no meaning to its members - and can even be desired by them.
There are two stand out exceptions. One is Douglas Carswell, well known as an ex-Conservative and ex-UKIP MP, with his books "Rebel!" and "Parasites and Progressives" and American economist Michael Hudson with "Killing the Host".
While I would criticise Carswell for his libertarianism and Hudson for his respect for classical economists, both identify parasites as the central cause of our woes and give penetrating detailed analysis. 
Both rightly see parasites, not as a recent problem, but one that has existed throughout history. However, I know they would agree with me when I say that the parasitic elite now have swelled their operations to magnitudes that historically are unheard of. Their wealth is now virtually unlimited and the power that goes with it is almost unlimited
The elite are different from the rest of us because they are parasitic on the wealth that others create. They steal and extract the wealth of all of us. To do what they do they can have no conscience - no morality - for there is no way you can make any human morality fit and condone the activities they engage in.
This lack of morality and normal human empathy means wars and deprivation are natural to them and cause them no moral pain. This is why I call their morality "Luciferian".
This does not, in general, mean Satanist [although in some cases it does]. It just means an inverted morality or more accurately no morality. Morality is replaced by power as a guiding principle.
Once you understand this, what might seem like unconnected random events become part of a general thrust or plan.
For me the connection between the climate hoax and COVID19 was the first thing that came to mind when the scaredemic started. The former was priming us for the latter.
A primer was certainly necessary as, without that, the folk wisdom concerning flu, telling us that it comes and goes, sometimes more serious than other times, would have held out against the propaganda requiring that many of us must lose our livelihoods to overcome a passing flu.
The climate hoax did the necessary preparatory work by denying the old common sense, folk wisdom about weather.
I realise that it is going to be tough convincing people of the evil plot that their governments are visiting on them is in the service of the parasites that control everything. But this is the task I have set myself on my party website.
Awareness of the parasites must become the new folk wisdom and they must become to be seen as the default cause of major catastrophes, or in the case of the climate and the virus, fictional catastrophies, unless another cause can be found.
The new apocalyptic economic crash will soon be upon us, brought slightly forward by the senseless lockdown. The pain will be great for ordinary people and good entrepreneurs.
We owe the greatest of debts to ex-Supreme Court Judge, Lord Sumption, for standing up for the truth. We can only imagine the opprobrium he has to suffer from his peers. But he stands alone in the political establishment
Amidst the confusion and suffering our leaders, as controlled puppets of the parasites, will do their utmost to establish the myth that a common flu was responsible.
There is nothing like pandemonium, economic collapse and deprivation for creating a fog through which few can see



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