CP NEWSLETTER 183 - Quarantining does not work. So why they are wrecking the economy?

Newsletter Archive
The Constitution Party was formerly the Democratic Republican Party
registered with the Electoral Commission in 2012
Sunday 03 March 2020
Leader and Founder, Peter Kellow, writes



I am now convinced that COVID19 is being used as a false flag to crash economies worldwide. The idea that we need to quarantine the population to defeat the virus is as dodgy and Saddam Hussein’s WMDs. It is a lie being perpetrated on the people.

Why this is being done I will come to but first the science.

Alexandra Novoselova, a doctor from St Petersburg with long experience in epidemiology writes

“There is a long-known epidemiological rule : Until 50% of the population gets sick or is vaccinated against a specific strain of respiratory infection (and they tend to constantly change, they also want to live, they adapt) - the PANDEMIC WILL not STOP !!! This applies to infections transmitted BY AIRBORNE droplets. Quarantine reduces the burden on local health care and allows you to get sick not all at once, but as if stretched over time.”

In other words the only way we will rid ourselves of COVID19 is the way humans have rid themselves of all viruses of this type throughout history - by letting the thing run its course. Most people will naturally acquire immunity

Most people who die are the elderly and those who have other diseases which weaken their immune systems. If we had a humane civilised government we would target these people for special protection and care and lavish all resources possible on them. This is not being done. Instead a measure to protect the whole population [the lockdown] is being implemented. But epidemiological medicine tells us this does not work because of the rule cited above.

According to Dr Novoselova, quarantine may slow down the spread of the virus but that is all. So is slowing down the virus a reason for crashing the economy? Obviously not
There will be deaths, unrelated to the virus, resulting from the lockdown. It is staggering that the government in implementing the lockdown has done zero research to access its impact on health – not to mention the untold damage to people’s economic lives and to businesses. This tells us they are set on the lockdown whatever the consequences


So why are our governments intent on destroying our economies? It is not difficult to find the reason. Our democratically elected governments are controlled by the parasitic elite who amass astronomic fortunes through preying on the economy with various techniques of wealth extraction which I cannot describe here – otherwise this newsletter would be ten times longer. A major world centre for parasitic wealth extraction is the City of London. The vast wealth of the parasites means they can buy governments and control the information we receive through the media.

There are two aspects to the parasites’ desire to crash the economy. First, a gigantic crash is going to happen soon anyway. The amount of debt worldwide, the wrecking of major currencies through money printing, the destruction of industry in major economies, a derivatives explosion, unsustainable government debt, massively overvalued assets, negative interest rate, gigantic accumulation of wealth by the parasitic elite and other indicators all make a huge crash inevitable. Anyone who follows economics knows this even if the media don't report it.

The unneeded quarantine will be blamed for this crash. It will provide a smokescreen for the real reasons. And there is something else that needs to be said as to why this extreme measure is being taken

This concerns the size of this new crash. 2008 will be a Sunday School outing in comparison. Of course, the parasites will not be expected to take a hit – they who have created the economic reasons for the crash. It will be the people who will bail them out – just as in 2008 when the tax payer bailed out those who caused the crash

So will this happen again? No. This time the sums of money required to compensate the mega-losses of the bankers and parasites will be just too big for government finances to deal with.

They simply don’t have that scale

This time there will be a “bail in” whereby the people’s bank accounts will be raided. This is a primary reason they want to abolish cash

The propaganda concerning the dangers of the virus served to numb the people into accepting the crimes that will be done against them. I repeat the virus and the remedy are massive smokescreens to obscure the all too horrible truth

The other aspect to this enforced crashing of the economy concerns its timing. Although the next crash in inevitable its timing is at present uncertain. That makes it more difficult for wealth extracting parasites to profit from the downturn by shorting, and myriad other “instruments”.

The deliberate crash created by the lockdown means the timing of the crash is better known. This will vastly increase the ability to profit from it. And no doubt there are thousands of cunning schemes being put in place right now to profit from the crash

At root the aim of these schemes is to leave the banks with the losses – not the parasites themselves. The reason for this is simple. Bailing out the parasites even in our corrupt age would be not politically possible. But bailing out the banks [through the bail in] can be sold on the grounds that we cannot run the economy without a banking system.

Everyone - politician, doctor, pundit, expert - who comes on your screen telling you the lock down is necessary is a liar. Quarantining has never been a response to a virus – so why now?

All those in government implementing this policy must be held to account for corruption and crimes against humanity.



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