Initially, The Lucidia Project planned to release "Requiem" as a standalone single. However, after quickly writing "The End of the Lies," which details a toxic relationship Chase Baldwin was experiencing, they decided to create a professionally mixed EP. "Requiem" has a spiritual element, reflecting Chase's reliance on a higher power, while "The End of the Lies" captures his processed anger. They added two more tracks, "Eventide" and "Deliverance," incorporating atmospheric and symphonic elements into their sound. "Eventide," an older song Chase completed with Ben Jacobs, explores humanity's susceptibility to propaganda. "Deliverance" addresses Chase's grief over losing his aunt to suicide, with Ben contributing to the song structures and lead guitar lines, and Chris Polasky adding rhythm guitars and the spoken word idea on "Requiem." This EP established The Lucidia Project's sound, blending symphonic metal, alternative rock, dark metal, and piano-driven songwriting. |