Review Request: Temple Witch - Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand [Doom Metal]

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"Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand"  album available for the media


Dear media partners,

You might be interested in reviewing Temple Witch's album "Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand".

Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand fully and vividly expresses Temple Witch’s explorative branch of doom metal, scratching that doom metal itch, while simultaneously offering a far broader soundscape to experience, with long hard-hitting chords and ethereal riffs to enscorcel you.

Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand confronts personal loss, desperate confusion, and loneliness, and perhaps most importantly, the album discusses change and the growth that comes as a result.
During the writing of Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand Temple Witch was inspired by many great artists, including SubRosa, BleakHeart, YOB, and Spotlights, among others. Conceptually, the band was inspired by ancient philosophies, such as Taoism and Stoicism, and their daily application. Their goal with Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand is to relate to as many people as possible, letting others in the process- be assured that they are not alone in their pain.

If you are interested in interviewing the artist, please get in touch, and we'll set everything up for you!

You can stream the album here and download it here

The album's digital release date is August 30, 2024.

"Knew It Once" Music Video:


"Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand" cover and tracklist:


1. Ocean Thousand
2. Knew It Once
3. This Too Shall Pass
4. Chase Tigers Away
5. Other Things
6. Motion


Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, songwriter and guitarist Andy Russell joined forces with drummer Johno Benedik, sparking the birth of Temple Witch. Their musical chemistry flourished, leading to the creation of a stoner/doom metal band. With the addition of bassist Jacob Jones, the trio swiftly embarked on recording their debut album, "Hand In Hand With Chaos," released in June 2021.

Following the success of "Hand In Hand With Chaos," Temple Witch embarked on a journey of growth and achievement. They secured their first management deal with Extreme Management Group Inc. and garnered endorsements from industry leaders like DR Strings and InTune Guitar Picks, Inc. The band's ventures included performances at the inaugural Apocalypse In The Desert festival in Las Vegas and tours along the United States' east coast. In April 2023, Jacob and Andy found themselves in need of a drummer. After a handful of auditions, they met with a fellow Northeast Ohian musician; Jacob Wherley of Emerald Rage. Their connection was immediate and Jacob Wherley was welcomed into fold.

Also in May of 2023, Temple Witch signed our first record label with WormHoleDeath Records. Since then, the band has been tirelessly preparing for the release of our second album Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand. Temple Witch, not simply a catchy title, but a reference to the body and spirit. As a band, the goal was to write songs that tackle philosophical and, at times, existential matters. The word ‘Temple’ as a nod to body and mind; the word ‘Witch’ a reference the the shadow within all of us.

Temple Witch's ultimate aim transcends fame and fortune. Their mission as artists is to connect with audiences on a profound level, leaving a positive imprint with their music. Whether it's moving one listener or captivating a crowd of thousands, they view music as a pure form of communication. Their ambition extends globally, aspiring to reach audiences across cities and countries, touching the lives of millions.

Temple Witch’s message is not overly complicated. It is this: though we may not all understand one another, we all share the experience of being; the beauty, the wonder, the terrible suffering, and the utter cluelessness. The band doesn’t wish to make any sort of final or conclusive statements other than they know very well what it’s like to be human, and to that all people can relate, and that is what Temple Witch writes about.

Temple Witch is:

Andy Russell - guitar/vocals
Jacob Jones - bass
Jacob Wherley - drums

Follow Temple Witch:
Spotify - SpotifyTempleWitch

Temple Witch is not just a band; it's a beacon of authenticity in a world hungry for genuine connections. With "Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand," they invite you to join them on a transformative journey through the depths of human experience. Prepare to be enchanted, empowered, and forever changed.



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